Is it possible to lose weight on buckwheat

Is it possible to lose weight on buckwheat

Favorite buckwheat is not called "Queen" croup. It is rich in vitamins, amino acids, microelements and fiber, which, together, beneficially affecting the work of the heart muscle and pancreas, contribute to weight loss and soft testicle detoxification and liver.

Nutritionists claim that buckwheat is an optimal product for a mono-diet. It is easily absorbed and at the same time is an excellent source of energy. Buckwheat diet is one of the few weight loss techniques, which has a positive effect not only on the figure, but also on health. The essence of weight loss on buckwheat is the following - for five to seven days you need to eat exclusively buckwheat porridge without adding oil, sugar, salts, seasonings and sauces. During a mono-diet, it is important to adhere to a fractional nutrition (eating 4-5 times a day) and do not overeat (the approximate weight of one portion is not more than 150-180 g). The prerequisite for this method of weight loss is an abundant drink (at least 1.5-1.7 liters per day). In addition to pure non-carbonated water, throughout the day you can drink a savory chamomile or green tea, in the morning the portion of the honey beverage is allowed (in a glass of warm non-filled water, dissolve 1 tsp. Natural nonpasteurized honey and as many lemon juice). This is the classic version of a buckwheat mono diet.


For a diet, buckwheat is recommended not to boil, but pampering in a heat-resistant dishes for several hours. For a start, overrobe the cereals (250-300 g), rinse it well under running water and hide with boiling water. After that, pour the prepared buckwheat into the thermos, fill 0.8 liters of hot water and leave it. Before using porridge, drain the residues of the liquid. If there is no thermal streams in the presence, soak the cereal in a conventional small saucepan (for a longer maintenance of temperature, it can be wrapped with a towel or blanket). Prepare dietary buckwheat is best from the evening to do not worry about breakfast in the morning. Thanks to this simple preparation method, the maximum amount of beneficial substances is preserved in the buckwheat. An important nuance: For the preparation of dietary porridge, it is better not to use brown steady, but green (it is often called crude) buckwheat.

Of course, to withstand the hard food mono mode is quite difficult. There are several gentle variants of the classical weight loss technique on buckwheat. One of these is considered a kefir-buckwheat diet: the basis of the menu is the same stare lean buckwheat, but in the intervals between the main meals you can drink skimmed kefir (no more than 1 l per day). The next "lightweight" option is a buckwheat diet with dried fruits. Figs, Kuragu, dates, prunes and raisins can be added to porridge or eat separately. Daily rate of dried fruits during this diet - not more than 120-150 g.


To allow for a long time to fix the result of weight loss (a week in buckwheat can lose 5-7 kilograms depending on the initial weight digit), organize the right output from the diet. Add new products to the post-dietary menu gradually - first boiled fish or turkey meat, behind them - fermented dairy products, light vegetable soups, salads and fruits. Consider that during the slimming of the stomach significantly decreased in volume, so continue to eat often, but in small portions. Having dropped overweight, try to adhere to the principles of healthy balanced nutrition - do not pier on smoked, salty, flour, sweet and fat.


Like any other weight loss technique, a buckwheat diet and its variations are not suitable for everyone. In diabetes mellitus, hypertension, heart failure, diseases of the gastrointestinal and kidney from weight loss on buckwheat will have to abandon. In any case, before "sit down" to a buckwheat diet, it is advisable to consult a specialist with a specialist (a physician or nutritionist).


Even after the diet, try to start the day from the plates of buckwheat porridge with fruit or berries. Such a tasty and useful breakfast will be the key to the correct metabolism, excellent mood and beautiful shape.

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Nika 06/10/2019 at 17:47.

I have been scored for diet for a long time. If you need to quickly come in the form-drinking turboslim express weight loss and start starting in the morning. After a week, the figure is noticeably tightened)) So at all I do not see the point of tormented by diets when there are much more simple ways)

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