How to lose weight with activated carbon

How to lose weight with activated carbon

The weight loss technique on the black activated carbon is one of the last trends in the weight loss. It would seem that everything is extremely clear and just - you drink sorbents and lose weight. In fact, the coal detox diet, however, like any other slimming system, has its own nuances and pitfalls. How to lose weight with the help of tableted activated carbon so that in pursuit of slender hips, flat tummy and a thin waist to harm health?

There are several schemes for the use of the sorbent for an efficient complex weight loss. According to the first scheme, it is necessary to daily use 9 tablets of activated carbon, but not in one reception, but 3 tablets per hour before meals. According to the second scheme, every morning it is necessary to use an empty stomach of 1-2 coal tablets. The essence of the third scheme is as follows: the dosage of the sorbent is calculated individually depending on the initial weight in the proportion of 1:10 (for every 10 kg of weight accounts for 1 coal tablet). The daily rate of the sorbent should be used in the morning for half an hour before the first meal. Tip: Immediately before taking coal, grind in powder and write down with a sufficient amount of clean non-carbonated water.

It is important to understand that black activated carbon is just auxiliary means in the process of weight loss. By itself, the sorbent does not burn fats, but still contributes to getting rid of hated unnecessary kilograms. It perfectly cleans the intestines and blood from toxins, effectively eliminates meteorism and activates metabolism - metabolic processes in the body, but the uncontrolled systematic use of the sorbent is fraught with serious consequences - from a disorder of intestinal peristaltics to hypovitaminosis and reduction of blood pressure. Therefore, before "sitting" on a coal diet, be sure to consult a doctor therapist or a nutritionist. Consider that the long-term intake of sorbents, including activated carbon, is categorically contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (especially with low acidity of the stomach and ulcerative colitis), as well as when receiving medicines.

Reset overweight, taking coal and swaying with it with fried potatoes and steak under the creamy sauce, it is unlikely to succeed. The weight loss technique on the popular Sorbent implies a refusal of frankly harmful products (sweet, flour, smoked and fatty foods) in favor of food, contributing to the full work of the intestine. First of all, it is non-housing vegetables (all varieties of cabbage, leaf salad, zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, asparagus, bell pepper), berries and fruits (grapefruits, pineapples, sour varieties of apples), fresh seasonal greenery. Be sure to include in the daily menu of cereal porridge (bunch, buckwheat or oatmeal), fermented milk products (cottage cheese, yoke, kefir, natural yogurt), low-fat varieties of meat (beef, veal, rabbit), fish (heck, pike perch, cod) and poultry ( Chicken fillet, turkey). As for the methods of cooking, give preference to cooking, baking or extinguishing with a minimum amount of natural olive oil.

Coal Detox Diet - General Tips and Recommendations:

  • the duration of application of tableted activated carbon should not exceed two weeks;
  • try to stick with fractional nutrition - eat often (approximately every three or four hours), but in small portions;
  • it is desirable that the last meal is not later than 19:00 (the interval between dinner and the departure to sleep should be at least three hours);
  • at the end of the intake of activated carbon, be sure to offer a full course of vitamin and mineral additives;
  • observe the drinking regime (daily rate of fluid intake - at least one and a half to two liters are included in the menu of drinking herbal teas of chamomile, thyme, lemon balm, rosehip compote, unsweetened green tea);
  • to achieve maximum results necessarily combine a balanced diet with exercise.

Of course, activated charcoal - perfect assistant for weight loss, but still not a panacea. Be sure to align the reception of the sorbent with a balanced diet and exercise - and soon you will become the owner of a chic slim figure.


Comments leave a comment
Irina 08.12.2017 at 10:39

oh. Do not know. I do not believe in all this, it seems to me better to take once for themselves and engage in sports, at least at home, books for motivation to read, by the way - and exercise

To answer
Valeria 02.11.2018 at 16:26

In addition to exercise and sports, it is also important to review the food. For weight loss is even more important. When I lost weight, my way, my nutritionist advised to take Thioctacide BV, it accelerates the conversion of carbohydrates into energy, and feelings of the head did not feel at all, the portions were very small and therefore had quite a wardrobe change quickly.

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Field 06/05/2018 at 8:27

It's all nonsense. There is no need to stuff all in a row for the sake of losing weight. Correctly say just the right diet will help. I advise you to read about it nutritionist Kovalkova-all very accessible and understandable. Thanks to him, took off 15 kg, and it is certainly not enough. Most importantly, do not starve yourself and exercise are not exhausting, I even ate sweets, they were mostly protein bars Turboslim (by the way is now being played out on a whole basket of TNT, you can try your luck))

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Yuliya 04.15.2019 at 14:46

And the function of activated carbon to cleanse the body of toxins holds? It is true, I thought?

To answer
Inga 17/04/2019 at 8:42 am

Julia, probably yes. But I personally it has never used, I'm more Enterosgel in this regard like. To cleanse the toxins enterosorbent more suitable. But of course I'm losing weight through a balanced diet and sports, as well as the purification already goes addition.

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Angela 04.09.2020 at 13:17

I also want to lose weight, summer is coming soon, and do not really want to go with the sides ((It is necessary to begin to move to the PP!

To answer
Olesia 04.20.2020 at 23:02

Angela, I can advise to first carry out a purgation, easier weight loss goes, it is checked! Usually buy our Russian Lavacolla, it is the efficiency does not differ from their foreign counterparts and even better to taste.

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