Activated Slimming Coal

Activated Slimming Coal

Activated coal is an efficient and safe sorbent that we drink in food and alcohol poisoning, infectious diseases and allergies. Solva also attributes to the corner a miraculous property to remove excess weight.

Destroy myth

According to doctors-nutritionists, overweight is often associated with violations in the operation of the gastrointestinal tract. Slags accumulate in the intestines, the defecation is disturbed, the bloating is observed. It is with these problems that activated carbon copes. Therefore, it does not help reduce weight, but purifies the body. The cleaning of the body removes one or two kilograms of excess weight and improves metabolism, but from fat will have to get rid of other methods.

Coal diet number 1

At the beginning of the diet, take 1 tablet of activated carbon in the morning on an empty stomach, an hour before meals. The next day - 2 tablets. Increase the quantity until the dosage does up to 1 tablets by 10 kilograms of your weight. So, for example, if you weigh 70 kg, then you should take 7 tablets per day. You can divide tablets into several techniques.

Diet number 2.

Take 10 tablets of coal during the day, regardless of body weight. Divide tablets for 3 receptions and drink half an hour to eat.

Work on yourself in addition to diet

In addition to receiving coal, the diet suggests:

  • rejection of oily, sweet food;
  • ban on pickles, marinades and smoked;
  • physical activity.

Contraindications when receiving coal

With all its safety for the body, you can not take coal. We bring a list of contraindications:

  • Activated coal is undesirable to take with simultaneous reception of other drugs (especially antibiotics) and contraceptives, since their effectiveness is repeatedly reduced.
  • Also, the coal can not be drunk with various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as bleeding or peptic diseases.

Side effects

Even such a harmless substance, as activated carbon, in large quantities can be a real poison:

  • Activated carbon is a universal sorbent: except for slags and toxins, it will save your body and from useful substances - vitamins, minerals, salts, bacteria symbiontes. Against the background of the coal diet can fall out, nails break, the skin loses a healthy look.
  • This sorbent doctors are often prescribed with allergies, but he himself, oddly enough, is able to provoke allergies.
  • Reception of coal becomes the cause of various problems with the gastrointestinal tract: constipation or vomiting is possible.

Neutralize the harm of coal

Implementation of simple recommendations will help obtain from activated carbon maximum benefit and minimum damage:

  • Squeeze the coal with plenty of water.
  • Taking activated carbon, do not forget to drink vitamin complexes. Between the reception of coal and vitamins must pass at least three hours!
  • Drink this drug for weight loss is not more than 10 days in a row. Then arouse a break for the same time. Total spend at least three cycles.
  • Do not take more than 6 tablets at a time!

Healthy alternative

Practically all the beneficial properties of coal has a fiber, which is contained in most products of plant origin. The fiber does not destroy the normal intestinal microflora and does not eliminate the body from the useful substances, and itself is a supplier of vitamins and minerals.

Before you decide to sit on a "coal" diet, consult your doctor and think well: maybe there are other, more sparing ways to lose weight.

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Olga Zhatkina 03/18/2016 at 23:53

By the way, as enterosorbent, activated coal is not advised. I have not heard this for the first time.

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Marina 03/26/2016 at 1:11

Yes, Olga, activated carbon and harmful substances outputs from the body and useful, so it is not advised to accept it. Better to enter the day for three, start taking and throughout the diet, it will be more. It only harmful substances from the body, and there is no way to want so much.

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Taisiya 06/10/2019 at 17:49

I tried to lose weight on it, nothing happened. In my case, only Turboslim Tea-coffee and Pilates occupations were helped. From excess weight There is no trace)) Finally I look tumaled)) and tea with a coffee maker is much nicer to drink, to the word than activated carbon)

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