  • Health
    Today, our food leaves much to be desired, because to greatly regret, in the diet of each modern person there is a mass of harmful components, including dyes, nutritional supplements, additives of taste, etc.
    05.05.2019 276 0
  • Diseases
    Microorganisms falling on the face and in the corners of the mouth can provoke snakes. In the spring, immunity falls and more often can be encountered with such a problem.
    12.04.2019 281 2
  • Health
    Each body in our body is responsible for certain functions, and if some of them come into disrepair or some problems happened to him.
    25.03.2019 323 0
  • Health
    Sea buckthorn oil helps with many famous diseases. His beneficial properties are known since ancient times, when even the most complex non-healing ulcers and erosion them and treated the meanheads.
    03.12.2018 251 0
  • Health
    Almost every person faced food poisoning. In order for the symptoms of the disease it was easier to transfer, a number of necessary drugs are prescribed to the patient, primarily the recider.
    17.09.2018 317 0
  • Health
    Burns of varying degrees can bring serious pain and even become a threat to life. Easy pain, and accelerate healing will help special ointments.
    27.07.2018 393 3
  • Health
    The drug citrate refers to the group of analgesics with a wide range of action. It is taken as antipyretic, anesthetic, anti-inflammatory agent.
    22.07.2018 286 0
  • Health
    Boric acid - an inexpensive means of antiseptic action, long and successfully used to treat various ailments.
    16.07.2018 295 0
  • Pregnancy
    How to take duphaston depends directly from the diagnosis, which is supplied to the woman, and what exactly needs to be adjusted to the drug.
    26.06.2018 681 0
  • Health
    To date, in the pharmacy you can find a huge variety of different drugs, and each of them has its own characteristic, side effects and other consequences of admission.
    17.05.2018 379 0
  • Health
    Polysorb is a versatile agent, and an analogue of activated carbon, thanks to which you can clean the body from toxins, allergens and harmful substances.
    11.04.2018 420 0
  • Health
    Such a well-known and very budgetary means, such as a license or ointment of Vishnevsky, has long been used in the treatment of many diseases - from dermatologic to diseases of the ENT organs.
    28.03.2018 517 0
  • Vitamins
    Glycine is a medical drug, which in the people called medicine from stress. It is aimed at improving the exchange process in cerebral cells.
    13.03.2018 550 1
  • Anatomy
    Cystitis is called the inflammation of the bladder, which is accompanied by characteristic symptoms. The main cause of pathology is a bacterial infection.
    09.03.2018 423 0
  • Vitamins
    Panangin and Asparkamka - similar drugs containing magnesium and potassium necessary for normal operation of heart muscles.
    03.03.2018 465 1
  • Diseases
    Despite the emergence of a huge number of new drugs, the proven effectiveness of some proven tools allows them to make a worthy competition of new items.
    26.02.2018 489 0
  • Health
    Paracetamol is a medical preparation with a painful effect. He successfully copes with chills, fever and spasms.
    26.02.2018 348 0
  • Medicine
    The operation of the gastrointestinal tract in the conditions of the pancreatic enzyme deficit is often disturbed.
    24.02.2018 425 0
  • Health
    Medical antiseptics, to which mormistine and chlorhexidine include, are used to perform the most different tasks.
    24.02.2018 490 0
  • Health
    Levomecol is an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drug that has proven itself in medicine.
    19.02.2018 401 0
  • Diseases
    Despite the huge selection of new therapeutic drugs, the ointment of Vishnevsky, proven over the years, is still in demand among both patients and physicians.
    18.02.2018 367 0
  • Health
    Propolis - a product of the bee vital activity, which has a number of medical properties, so necessary to human body.
    11.02.2018 328 0
  • Diseases
    Pain syndrome is able to seriously disrupt the overall human well-being. The pharmaceutical market offers a wide selection of analgesizing drugs both aimed and integrated effects.
    06.02.2018 440 0
  • Health
    Duspatalyn is a modern antispasmodic that produces a French pharmaceutical enterprise MYLAN LABORATORIES SAS.
    05.02.2018 321 0
  • Diseases
    The therapy of many diseases includes not only the reception of drugs aimed at eliminating the cause of the hands, but also on symptomatic treatment.
    01.02.2018 366 0
  • Health
    If you do not know what a headache is, then you are a happy man. But most likely there are no such people.
    29.01.2018 352 1
  • Diseases
    More than one decade, the useful properties of sulfur are actively used in pharmaceutical. That is why such a means as a sulfur ointment has not lost its popularity to this day.
    27.01.2018 326 0
  • Medicine
    The ointment of the Vishnevsky or balsamic line (in Vishnevsky) is an effective and affordable disinfectant, which is widely used since 1927.
    24.01.2018 436 0
  • Health
    Every day, pharmaceuticals offers new and new means to combat various kinds of illness and lesions.
    22.01.2018 373 0
  • Diseases
    The heparin ointment is a means for outdoor use, which is already used for the treatment of thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids and various cosmetology defects.
    31.12.2017 372 0
  • Health
    Red root, a penny or bear root - the healing plant of Altai, which since ancient is used in folk healing.
    26.12.2017 374 0
  • Health
    Furatcilina tablets (nitrofural) occupy one of the leading places among antiseptic and antimicrobial drugs.
    15.12.2017 649 0
  • Medicine
    Calcium is the most important mineral that takes part in the formation of bone tissue. It comes into the body with dairy products, some vegetables and dried fruits.
    03.12.2017 658 1
  • Medicine
    Pyrantel is an affordable and modern anthelmintic drug. It effectively displays parasites from the body, but to obtain a good result, you need to know how to take it correctly.
    11.11.2017 334 0
  • Health
    Timely and competent therapy is one of the most important components of successful treatment. Effective anti-inflammatory, painful and antibacterial agent for external use is Dimexide.
    07.11.2017 401 0
  • Medicine
    Bifidumbacterin - oral probiotic. The drug "settles" in the body useful flora - bifidobacteria.
    04.11.2017 370 0
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