How to make a regider at home?

How to make a regider at home?

Almost every person faced food poisoning. In order for the symptoms of the disease it was easier to transfer, a number of necessary drugs are prescribed to the patient, primarily the recider. But what to do, when it is not possible, but you need to act immediately? In our article you will find a recipe for a regarder, which can be prepared at home.

The benefits of recider

The regider has long established itself as one of the best funds that effectively restores the water balance. It is prescribed when diarrhea and vomiting. The remedy is not contraindicated to children and pregnant women. In addition to food poisoning, reciprons are prescribed:

  • after severe intoxication (alcohol use is accompanied by dehydration of the body);
  • high temperatures in children and adults (heat leads to rapid dehydration, which can lead to improper operation of internal organs);
  • rotavirus infection;
  • to restore the acid alkaline blood balance;
  • after severe physical exertion.

Recipe Reception

It is not difficult to cook the house recider. The main thing is that in your kitchen, there is a minimum, but very necessary set of products. The composition of the REGIDRON, which was acquired in the pharmacy, is practically no different, from cooked at home:

Required ingredients:

  • water boiled (cooled to room temperature) - 1 l.;
  • salt kitchen cooking (it is better not to use iodized salt) - 1 tsp;
  • food soda - 1 tsp;
  • crystal sugar - 1 tbsp.

The preparation of home regider does not require the perfect sterility of the container in which the medicine will prepare. It is better to use a glass jar of 1 liter.

  • 1 step - prepared water pour into the container, all components add one after another and mix thoroughly;
  • 2 step - the finished medicine does not need to be stored in the refrigerator, you can drink immediately after cooking, small sips.

Home regions drink after each attack of diarrhea or vomiting. Remember that the medicine is auxiliary tool for the treatment of food poisoning or rotovirus.

Advantages and disadvantages of home regider

Some relate skeptically to the medicine prepared at home and prefer pharmaceutical regions. We will look at the main advantages and cons of home.


  • in the home solution, you can add natural amplifiers of taste (honey, syrup, etc.);
  • the necessary components are practically in each kitchen (there is no need to go to the pharmacy);
  • save family budget;
  • perfectly copes with the task of restoration of the water balance;
  • you can take with any medicines.


  • not exactly accurate salt ratio (which leads to a more prolonged recovery process, in contrast to pharmacy solution);
  • it is not recommended to give children under 2 years;
  • it is allowed to apply only with a light degree of dehydration.

Symptoms of overdose by homemade solution

Cases of overdose by the regiment prepared at home was not fixed. But the doctors argue that from the drunk large amount of homemade mortar, you can feel unreasoning and weakness. The main symptoms of overdose include:

  • drowsiness;
  • apathy (feeling of easy depression);
  • loss of consciousness;
  • nervous overexcitation;
  • tremor and legs;
  • convulsions;
  • stomach ache;
  • false urination desire.

Restrictions in domestic drug

The homemade solution is not considered such a harmless medicine. In the risk group, which is prohibited from consuming it, includes:

  • patients with diabetes of different types;
  • children under 2 years old;
  • patients suffering from intestinal obstruction;
  • people with renal failure.

Do not take homemade mortar to people who have individual intolerance to one of its components.

Remember that the medicine prepared at home is exclusively auxiliary. If for two days, the patient's condition deteriorated, it is necessary to contact the hospital. Do not allow strong dehydration of the body, such a state can lead to a fatal outcome.

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