How to quickly raise hemoglobin at home

How to quickly raise hemoglobin at home

There are a number of factors that can reduce the level of hemoglobin in the body. The symptoms of reduced hemoglobin are quite unpleasant, there is a desire to quickly raise hemoglobin. How to do it, read further.

How to quickly raise hemoglobin - iron-containing products

Eat liver, turkey, apples, walnuts, gooseberries and kuragu. Prepare a mixture of dried fruits, honey and lemon. Use beans, buckwheat porridge, peas, flax seeds. Do not forget about healthy vegetables: beets, tomatoes, cucumbers. Add dill and parsley into the diet.

How to quickly raise hemoglobin - Drink useful drinks

Prepare juices with a large amount of iron. Drink an empty stomach in the morning. Beetroot or carrot juice (100 - 200 ml.), As well as drip during the day pomegranate, apple and cranberry juice. It is not bad to brew tea from rosehip fruits. They contain iron and vitamin C, which helps the gland in the assimilation by the body. Brew four tablespoons of berries on a glass of boiling water, let it stand. Then drink throughout the day.

How to quickly raise hemoglobin - vitamin C

For better absorption of iron, it is necessary to use it together with the products containing Vitamin C. Add to the diet kiwi, lemon, orange, red sweet pepper, sea buckthorn, parsley, black currant.

How to quickly raise hemoglobin - reduce calcium and caffeine consumption

Calcium prevents the absorption of iron in the body. Reduce to minimum products containing calcium in your menu. It should also be excluded from the diet of coffee and black tea, because caffeine is washing the iron from the body.

How to quickly raise hemoglobin - pharmacy

Pharmacy funds usually act quickly. Hematogen will help increase hemoglobin, vitamin complexes rich in iron, vitamin C and folic acid. Also effective mumie as tablets and folic acid.

At home, hemoglobin increases quite real, but to pass tests and visit the doctor is necessary. The hemoglobin can be understood from the reasons that it is easy to correct, but it may also be a consequence of internal bleeding and serious diseases. There should be no qualified medical help.

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Elina 17/10/2020 at 2:51

If we talk about fast and efficient ways to raise iron, then without pharmacy means 100% will not cost. I have not yet started drinking the Evalar Iron Chelate, could not return the normal indicators of the substance in the blood. Now according to analyzes, everything is OK, I continue to take iron in chelated form.

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