How to reduce blood hemoglobin

How to reduce blood hemoglobin

Hemoglobin - protein that transports oxygen. When it is lacking, all cells experience oxygen deficiency, and redox reactions in the body are stopped or slowed down, respectively. But what if the iron-containing protein in the blood is very much?

The norm is the concentration of hemoglobin 120-150 g / l. In men, the maximum value is 170 g / l. At higher values, it is necessary to take measures to reduce hemoglobin. The fact is that the iron-containing protein makes blood thick, which is why the occurrence of blood clots is possible. They can cause stroke or infarction.

How to reduce blood hemoglobin

To reduce hemoglobin, you need to adjust the power. Exclude liver, yolk, red fruits and veal from the diet. You can eat raw vegetables, but the consumption of fresh fruit is worth limiting. It is these products that increase the amount of iron-containing protein. Drink a lot of fluids, it is desirable to drink at least 3 liters of water a day. The fluid makes blood less thick. Eat cottage cheese, chicken meat and beans.

How to reduce blood hemoglobin

You can take mumens in tablets. This substance does not reduce the concentration of hemoglobin, but normalizes it. Excellent coping with the thick blood of the leech. It is necessary to undergo a full course of hirudotherapy. Medicinal preparations take only after appointing them by a doctor.

How to reduce blood hemoglobin

Folk medicine will reduce the level of hemoglobin. Prepare salads with dandelion, Cypria and wet. Sai cabbage is an excellent means to reduce blood viscosity, it contains vitamin C, which increases the body's resistance to infections and colds. Try not to eat red meat, replace it with seafood. There are many fatty unsaturated acids in their composition, which strengthen the walls of the vessels and prevent the formation of thromboms.

Limit the consumption of croup, you can not eat rice, buckwheat and millet. You can eat only a pearl cereal and oatmeal. They are better to boil on milk or eat with fermented dairy products. Great aspirin's blood is perfectly, it is taken by ¼ pills three times a day. Do not rush to engage in self-medication, perhaps high hemoglobin indicates a serious disease. The concentration of iron-containing protein increases with such diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • malignant tumors;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • disorders of the kidneys and liver;
  • stomach problems;
  • a large number in the body of vitamins of group V.

If you live in highlands, the high concentration of hemoglobin in the blood is considered the norm. Thus, the body is trying to increase the power of the cells with oxygen, which is not enough in the mountain air. In athletes and cyclists, an increased level of hemoglobin may be observed, this is due to the high speed of oxidation and recovery reactions in the body. Accordingly, there is a lot of oxygen.

How to reduce blood hemoglobin

If you are not sick and have passed a medical examination, then try to move more and arrange an unloading day every week. At this time it is better to drink purified or mineral water and kefir. You can not eat apples, only lemon is allowed from fresh fruit.

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