Blood sugar rate in women

Blood sugar rate in women

About such a thing as "sugar rate", women are often heard when surrendered blood test. Sugar level affects the well-being of a woman, and its increase can cause a number of serious diseases. These indicators are influenced by many factors such as processes inside the body and external fuses. In order to prevent deterioration in health, it is necessary to study the reasons for sugar jumps and its blood norm in a woman.

What is "blood sugar"?

In terms of blood composition, sugar is called the amount of glucose, which is dissolved on a melon moment in it. Analysis on blood sugar is called "Glycemia Analysis". Both elevated and reduced sugar levels can cause a number of diseases. Elevated sugar is called hyperglycemia reduced - hypoglycemia. Hyperglycemia can lead to the development of diabetes. However, one analysis on the level of sugar is not enough to diagnose this disease. It is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination, including to pass another number of analyzes. But, in any case, if the sugar indicator is increased, then pay attention to the factors that could cause it. Glycemia tests should be carried out every six months. It should be remembered that the sugar rate in the body of a woman varies depending on age and physique. Sugar indicators also affects pregnancy and menopause.

What are the jumps of blood sugar in women occur?

Many indicators in the body of a woman are subordinated to the hormonal background. Sugar level is no exception. Sex hormones regulate cholesterol levels and the rate of its derivation from the body. And cholesterol and sugar indicators are closely related. When the amount of genital hormones is less than the norm, the level of sugar increases sharply. This is due to hormonal failures, menopause. The health of such organs such as thyroid and pancreas affects the level of sugar. The pancreas produces insulin that breaks out the extra sugar in the blood.

Even if internal organs and glands function normally, the level of sugar can be increased. The reason is external factors. One of the most important factors is a woman's nutrition. In the modern diet there are many sugars that are not at all needed for health. They are contained in all sorts of sweets, flour products, beverages. Also, sugar add to many unsweetened products as a preservative. Another feed rate is the presence of saturated fats in the diet. They are poorly processed by internal organs and are deposited in the body in the form of cholesterol. And he, as noted above, is closely connected with glucose in the blood.

Redued sugar in the blood is also not a good indicator. Due to the reduced glycemic level, a woman has chronic fatigue, dizziness and rapid heartbeat. A decrease in the indicator may occur as a result of a strict diet (lack of carbohydrates) or due to drugs.

Sugar rate indicators for women

To measure the sugar indicator uses the value of the mmol per liter of blood. This indicator has learned to calculate about a hundred years ago, comparing the blood indicators of healthy people and people, diabetes patients. Glycemia should be handed over in the morning, on an empty stomach. It must be remembered that full and large women, sugar norm is always slightly higher.

Sugar rate for various age categories:

  • from 15 to 50 years (to menopause) - 3.3 - 5.5 mmol / l;
  • from 50 to 60 years - 3.8 - 5.9 mmol / l;
  • from 60 years and older - 4.2 - 6.2 mmol / l.

The glucose level indicator also changes during pregnancy. Due to the fact that the woman provides nutrients already two organism, elevated blood sugar is the norm. But at the same time, its indicator should not be more than 6.5 mmol / l.

The blood sugar level is the most important indicator that affects the work of many internal organs. Therefore, in care of your health, a woman should regularly check the amount of glucose in the blood.

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Natasha 06/10/2018 at 14:14

I got sick with diabetes 5 years ago ... it was very difficult, because I could not cope with sharp jumps of sugar ... And then the PRSI has moved to low-carb food, I take an alpha-lipoic acid Evalarovskaya and try to move more, everything together and helps the normal state to support, Sugar does not jump, most importantly)

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