General urine analysis sometimes does not show an accurate clinical picture of the alleged diagnosis. Winning urine analysis is an additional laboratory survey that allows you to clearly determine the violations in the work of the kidneys. You do not know how to prepare for analysis and assemble liquid? You will need to collect Urim within the day, even at night in different jars.
How to collect urine in Zimnitsky - Preparation
Preparing for urine collection Simple:
- do not change drink mode. Drink a day to two liters of water, as usual;
- exclude salted and acute food before harvesting fluid;
- during the day before passing the analysis, stop taking diuretic drugs. These drugs adversely affect the characteristics of urine;
- prepare alarm clock and start it every three hours at night. The clock will remind the time that the time came up. You can use the alarm on your mobile phone;
- prepare a notebook or sheet of paper for entries. Here you will record information about the fluid that drank during the day during the analysis. Record the volume of water that entered the body with soup, compote and the like.
How to collect urine in Zimnitsky - Preparation of Tara
Prepare 8 cans. Special container for passing urine buy in a pharmacy. You can take conventional glass jars on 0.5 liters. Well wash them and glue with clean covers. Number each container and write the time at it, in which you will urinate in this jar. Also measure the volume of urine in each container and write down. It is necessary so that in the laboratory does not confuse.
How to collect urine in Zimnitsky - the collection process
Your actions are as follows:
- at 6-00 in the morning, go to the toilet and cite in the toilet. Morning urine for analysis is not needed;
- pour the first time in a jar in three hours - at 9-00;
- every three hours after the first campaign to the toilet, urinate into a new signed capacity. The last harvest of the fluid ends at 6-00 in the morning the next day;
- place each jar with the urine in the fridge. Cover tight with a lid.
If urinary urges are not at the right time - leave the container empty. If all Urina does not fit into one bank during urination - take an additional container and pushing into it. Do not pour out unnecessary urine in the toilet! Harvesting fluid can be done on a different scheme - prepare 6 cans and pushed in them every 4 hours, starting from 9-00 in the morning. After the last urination, take all the filled dummy containers along with the recording sheet of the liquid into the laboratory drilled during the day. Empty and additional banks also include a laboratory assistant, but do not forget to fix the time when you did not want to go to the toilet or the urine volume was big.
Why is the collection of urine in Zimnitskom?
The main task of this analysis is the determination of the concentration of substances dissolved in the urine. Urina may differ in the day in color, smell and volume. A laboratory instrument measures the density of the fluid, which helps to determine the total concentration of substances. Normal density - 1003-1035 g / l. The violation of this indicator may indicate such diseases:
- renal failure;
- inflammatory kidney processes;
- heart pathology;
- sugar and nonachear diabetes;
- glomerulonephritis;
- blood diseases.