What to do if there is a protein in the urine

What to do if there is a protein in the urine

In the human body, protein is a building material. Molecules of this substance are present in hair, bones, nails, muscles. They are also found in organs (lungs, pancreas, liver, kidney, etc.). Protein participates in chemical processes that are of great importance for human vital activity. Therefore, when blood passes through the kidneys, unnecessary elements are derived from the body with urine, useful - remain, including protein. But if he gets into Urim, then the specialist doctors should be examined, to make a detailed analysis, establish the cause of this problem.

Do not worry if the content of the molecules of the substance is less than 0.03 g / l. The causes of the presence of physiological protein in urine analysis may be the following factors:

  • Increased temperature at ARVI;
  • Stress;
  • Overheating or cooling;
  • Consumption of certain medical preparations;
  • Unbalanced nutrition, i.e. increased reception in food protein-containing products;
  • Large physical overload.

In such situations, it is enough for a person to relax, go to my health, take leave at work. It is even better to change the situation, go beyond the city. Bear your nerves, avoid quarrels, scandals. And most importantly: follow nutrition, use a variety of food and smaller squirrel.

Download here: The amount of protein content in food products.

Products that contain a lot of protein1

The imaginary protein is determined by incorrect analysis of the tests. It is necessary to observe hygiene, prevent vaginal, menstrual discharge in the urine. If pregnant women in the urine discovered proteinuria, then it is possible a consequence of toxicosis (in the first-second trimester). In the last month, in some women in a position, the number of protein grams per liter of sputum reaches 12%. This happens with a placental violation. After generic symptoms passes.

As a result of diseases of the nervous system, acidosis, strong sweating, the delay of milk isolate in young mammies in the urine there may be a functional protein. After passing the above symptoms - analyzes are normalized. Teenagers who suffer from anemia are irregularly feed on, quickly tired - orthostatic protein is observed. Again, when eliminating the causes of the proteinuria passes. In the summer, in the spring of some people, allergies are exacerbated, the presence of molecules of this substance in Urin is a consequence of the disease.

Increased protein content in sputum sometimes warns about the presence of serious diseases:

  • Malignant neoplasms (cancer) of the kidneys;
  • Mechanical damage to the kidneys;
  • Diabetes;
  • Leukemia, osteosarcoma;
  • Glomerulonephritis, jade;
  • Heart failure.

It is important to comply with the following instructions for the correct collection of urine analysis: Capacity and genitals must be clean, carry only morning urin on the sample.

From the read it turned out that the protein in the urine is a warning that there are some inflammatory processes in the human body. It is impossible to treat the proteinuria itself. It should be installed the root cause, which is why the patient's analysis is not normal. To do this, you need help doctors, re-passing all samples, establishing a diagnosis and timely treatment.

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