High pressure what to do

High pressure what to do

High pressure (arterial hypertension) is a silent killer who slowly, quietly and irrevocably striking the heart and vessels. The main body in our body works for a long time to wear, which is manifested by the development of pathological conditions (angina, stroke, heart or renal failure, disability, death). Stably rising pressure is impetus to active actions in changing your life.

To monitor pressure indicators at any time, purchase a high-quality portable tonometer. If high pressure happens not often - you should take care of the prevention of its progression, and with permanent hypertension - consult a doctor. After the necessary research, you will be prescribed drugs that need to be taken constantly under a specific scheme.

Change your food preferences, nutrients from it have a direct action on all processes occurring in the body. Refuse alcohol, strong coffee and tea. Do not eat harmful calorie food (sweets, smoking, salting, sharp, fat). Reduce the use of salt (and better to give up it). Control the volume of fluid drunk per day (not more than 1.5 liters). Food must be useful, saturated with potassium and magnesium.


Rearrange your familiar rhythm of life. Disable smoking for yourself. Watch for your weight, increase physical activity if you are sedimed. Normalize your sleep. Adjust the emotional background within himself and in its surroundings.

If still, the high pressure continues to disturb you - follow your condition and do not allow crises that can not always be completely safe.

Review your lifestyle. Normalize power, rest and labor modes. Observe the accurate reception of the prescribed drugs - and then the increased pressure will not disturb you for a long time.

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Natasha 10/09/2019 at 19:16.

If the pressure is high, then it must be shot down. Wash everything logical. But in order to understand what caused the reason to pass the survey. For example, I have 1 degree hypertension, and the jumps of pressure were frequent until I started treatment. The main thing is to choose the appropriate drug for yourself. Hyperopol helped me. Starting his reception immediately felt improved, and the pressure jumps stopped. It helped me a lot and helps to keep pressure normally.

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Kira 08/10/2019 at 15:09

To me to stabilize the pressure, the doctor recommended Taurine cardioacive to accept. Although, of course, an optionally, I also began to restrict salt ... at high pressure it is impossible to carry it. I think all this ultimately helped the pressure downgrade to normal pockets. Now how much I do not measure, always good, not increased)

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