What to do with elevated pressure

What to do with elevated pressure

Increased pressure is one of the most common ailments on Earth. Moreover, the cause of its occurrence may be not only violations in the body, but also magnetic storms, stress, experiences and other phenomena of our daily life. Hypertension is subject to elderly people, and young guys and girls, there are no one hundred percent protection from this disease, and its consequences are extremely sad and can lead to a stroke. That is why it is necessary to know what needs to be done at elevated pressure to reduce it.

If you feel that your blood pressure has risen - try to contact a medical facility as soon as possible to obtain qualified assistance. If you have such a possibility - you can bring down the pressure yourself. The easiest way is to take medicines that relax the muscle membrane of blood vessels, which will lead to an increase in the diameter of the arteries and a decrease in pressure. This medicine can be attributed to but-pieces, papaverine, papazole, arithon and others.

If you have no suitable drugs at your hand - you can seek for help from nature. Excellent stimulants capable of quickly normalizing the functioning of the human heart, are a rosehip and hawthorn. In a dried form, these berries can be easily acquired in the nearest pharmacy, you can also buy and already ready to tincture. And if you have a country site, then the fruits can be collected directly from the bush. Several tablespoons of a tincture of hawthorn or rosehip will help you quickly reduce diastolic pressure. This is due to the fact that certain substances contained in these berries improve the functioning of the heart muscle and remove various formations from the arteries.

Normalization of pressure also contributes physical exercises. If you have hypertension, try to increase your activity a little during the day, increase physical exertion and, of course, do not forget to walk outdoer. However, it should be remembered that all this must be carried out gradually without overloading your body. Sharp physical exertion for people suffering from hypertension are contraindicated. If you challenge this simple rule, then you can begin the jumps of pressure or attacks of angina.

In the fight against hypertension, it is often resorted to alternative medicine, for example, the massage of acupuncture points located on the lines from the ear of the ear to the clavicle. It is believed that this zone is responsible for the arterial pressure of man. Attach your finger to a small deepening in the skull located under the urine of your ear, press it a bit and, not letting it, spend in a straight line to the center of the clavicle. Repeat this exercise 9-12 times on each side - and the pressure level will significantly decrease.

Now you know the ways to reduce blood pressure and, if it is raised, is able to help not only yourself, but also another person. However, remember that separately these ways will not be able to give the desired result and fully utter you from problems with hypertension. Try to combine medical, natural and physiological treatments in one system, add proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle to this, so you are guaranteed forever forget about this ailment.

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Zhanna 05/05/2018 at 23:48.

My mom recently discharged Valsartan SZ, the medicine is not expensive, but the effect was felt almost immediately, it is convenient to use, TC 1 tablet per day.

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Regina 05/29/2018 at 13:47

Oh, I, too, I heard about this drug. I wanted to drink Voz, but I changed my mind and did not regret!

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Love 05/29/2018 at 13:49

I also read reviews, and more leaning to Valsartan-SZ. My therapist approved the reception, said the difference is not.

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Sveta 08/31/31/19.

But I began to take the drug hyperopol. I also advised him as a medicine on a natural basis and with a very good indicator. Now I accept it, and indeed with pressure everything is fine.

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Maksim 08/10/2019 at 15:10

It is stupid to rely only on funds that instantly reduce the pressure. Because if the pressure is increased, you need to treat, in order to stabilize it. I took here a cardioacive Taurin courses (I ordered a pharmacy.ru, it's more convenient and cheaper), infusions on the rosehip and hawthorn, too, like extra. This helped to get rid of the problem. Now the pressure is always in normal limits)

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