The most dangerous time of the year, given the activity of snakes - this is spring. It is in the spring of the spring that the sun will be performed to get sink, and if one of them is intense to hurt, passing by, then the snake can bite.
The snake bite is very worried. The poison with a huge speed applies to the human body, as a result of which the paralysis of all muscles and the further stop of the heart occurs. If your companion bit the snake, then the time to introduce antidot, there is only 1 hour. During this time, you have to have time to get into the medical institution or call a doctor.
The first thing for the victim should be put horizontally, it is desirable that the head is slightly lower than the body itself. So it is possible for a while to ensure normal cerebral circulation at the victim. The person must lie as calmly as possible to Lymph, according to which the poison is rapid faster, not so quickly circulated in the body.
Above the bite is to impose a tight bandage, while periodically loosening it, because the limb will most likely sweep.
If possible, you need to call a single number 911 so that you have left the ambulance. Before the arrival of the "ambulance" patient should be given to drink liquid as much as possible. It will help reduce the concentration of poison in the blood. At the same time, in no case cannot give alcoholic beverages, they, on the contrary, enhance the effect of poison on the body. If there is antihistamines at hand, such as suprastin or diphroll, the victim should be sure to give such a tablet.
To protect yourself in the Spring Forest, hiking is worth putting tight clothes and high boots. Be sure to take with you a mobile phone and a medical aid kit.