What to do when dislocate

What to do when dislocate

Unfortunately, no matter how much this, but our life does not pass without injury. Someone has them more, someone has less, but no one has left free. Injury is always damage. But the level of damage to the body and the ease of recovery is often very highly dependent on the correctness of the first medical care.

To properly assign treatment, you need to clearly decide on the diagnosis. What do you disagge? This is a violation of the integrity of the joint as a result of the displacement of the joint surfaces of the bones. The cause of the dislocation may be injury, for example, from impact, or just incorrect movement.

The main signs of dislocation:

  1. Acute pain that precedes dislocation itself. This pain is much stronger than when a fracture.
  2. Pain when moving the limb and tacking it.
  3. Violation of the contour of the joint. It is easy to notice when compared with a healthy joint.
  4. The unnatural position of the limb.
  5. Punching in the area of \u200b\u200binjury.

Dislocation is a pretty serious injury that can only be treated by a specialist. Your main task is to provide first aid and transportation of the victim to the hospital.

First, consider what you can not do:

  1. Try to fix the disclosure yourself. The decision on the management method is taken by a doctor after receiving the X-ray snapshot, and in some situations there is even a surgery. The only case when an independent right is allowed - this is a re-non-antimony dislocation of jaws.
  2. Roll sick place by any ointments. Whether it is warming, painkillers or even grandmother tincture that helps everyone.
  3. Apply any warming means.

What should I do? Be sure to immobilize the affected limb. The fixation of the ray-taking, elbow or knee joint is produced by overlapping the tire. As the basis, you can use any remedy: suitable size of a stick or board, books, a fat magazine, etc. For the winding - a regular or elastic bandage, a brazer. When injured ankle, it is enough just to wind it with an elastic bandage and do not step on this leg. If the hip joint has occurred, then the victim is placed on a solid surface and grind a sore leg to healthy. At the dislocation of the shoulder joint, make a supporting dressing of two saxes and towels. The trick here is that the hand does not fit tightly to the body, otherwise the victim will experience pain.

Literally in the first minutes you need to attach a cold to reduce the edema. It is formed very quickly, and in the future it is capable of significantly complicating and make treatment. If the Hospital is the path is not easy, then it is necessary to make a stock that will allow changing the cold compress on the road.

With severe pain, you can take painkillers. Paracetamol, Analgin, Aspirin, Ketanov, Ketorolak will suit such purposes. Children give ibuprofen, nurofen or pandol.

In the case of self-transporting patient, the following rules must also be followed:

  • when dislocation of the hip joint of the victim transported only in a lying position on a solid surface;
  • in case of damage to the knee or ankle, the patient foot is placed horizontally on the seat of the car;
  • when traumating the upper extremities, it is desirable to take a pillow, which will serve as a support and shock absorber when moving the car.

There is a pattern: the younger patient, the greater the likelihood of re-dislocation. With the familiar dislocation, it is necessary to obtain a specialist consultation and take a course of treatment. By itself, such dislocation will not pass.

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