How to remove swelling of legs at home

How to remove swelling of legs at home

Your legs are discomfort because of swelling? This problem is not only aesthetic, but also medical. Excessive accumulation of fluid in soft tissues can be caused by different reasons, so to understand how to remove swelling of legs at home, you need to know the origins of the problem.


Most people have edema periodically, especially after a long stay in an uncomfortable posture. After taking a dense dinner immediately before bedtime or a large amount of fluid in the morning you can also detect unpleasant consequences in the form of edema. Fans of saline also often suffer from excessive cluster fluid in the body. Remove swelling of legs at home in this case is quite simple. It is enough to adjust your lifestyle. Reduce salt consumption, dinner 3 hours before sleep, drink no more glasses of clean water before you go to bed. Take breaks on physical attacks during the day, especially if you have a sitting job.


Water treatments

Remove the edema of the legs well helps water procedures. Try contrasting douse. Start from room temperature, then turn on the cool water, then warmly hot. Spend a procedure for 1-2 minutes, alternating cold and hot water, finish the cold shower. Pretty squeeze the legs with a towel to restore blood circulation. With varicose veins, the use of hot water is not recommended. The output in this case can be warm baths with sea salt in proportion of 1 tbsp. l. Salts on 1 cup of warm water. You can also use oak or ventious bark, sage, mint, nettle, chamomile, Melissa, Lavender.



To quickly remove swelling of the legs, you need to lie down on a flat surface and raise straight legs at an angle of 45 °, closing them about the support. Tell 10 minutes in such a posture. Then make a massage of the problem area, moving in the direction of blood flow from below up. Mildly massage the foot from the fingers to the heel. Special attention is paid to the area between the first and second fingers. Then massate the soles. Well warmed up this area, go to the massaging of the calf muscle. Perform a massage for 5 minutes for each leg.

Foot massage

Healthy foods

You can remove swelling at home with certain products. These include lingonberry, cranberries, parsley, dill, rosehip, flax seeds, white cabbage, lemon, pumpkin, cucumbers, apples, fermented milk products, rice. In the daily diet, it is recommended to include products rich in potassium, since its shortage can often be the cause of edema. Such products include apricot, melon, watermelon, orange, mandarin and others. Freshly squeezed juices have an excellent diuretic effect and will help to quickly cope with the swelling, as well as green tea, decoction of Melissa, Cumin and hawthorn. In the occurrence of edema in pregnant, doctors often prescribe unloading cottage cheese and apple days. Anyone can take advantage of such a diet. During the day, you need to eat 400 g of cottage cheese and 800 g of apples, alternating products with each other, but without mixing them.


Medical causes of edema

If the excess fluid in the body worries you constantly, it can signal the failures in the work of the heart, kidneys, liver. In this case, you should not try to remove swelling of legs at home, because suitable for other means of fighting edema can be dangerous for you. Hurry up for a reception to the therapist, which will find and cure the cause of edema, then the symptoms will pass. Do not take diuretic products without appointing. They dehydrate the body, leading it to a state of severe stress. Take medications only by appointment of a doctor.

Medical reasons-occurrences of edema

Often the cause of edema becomes incorrectly selected shoes. If the shoes are pumped, rubbed or simply cause discomfort, it may be time for shopping.

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Nina 07/19/2016 at 11:01

With varicose veins by the end of the day, the legs are very hurt, I know. I helps to remove the feeling of gravity in the foot plate. I know this drug since the times of my pregnancy, then they got rid of them from edema. I am very pleased with them.

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