How to treat natopysh at home

How to treat natopysh at home

Natoptyshi - chicken skin on the heel, thumb or sole. The appearance of these compacted areas contributes to wearing close shoes and high-heeled shoes. Sometimes natoptes appear due to improper pressure on the foot with flatfoot, varetle or valgus deformation of the limbs. In this article we will tell how to get rid of the hopes at home.

How to remove pain and burning

To begin with, eliminate the reason for the appearance of damage skin. Purchase suitable shoes and orthopedic insoles. After that, proceed to the treatment of natopesh. This can be done with pharmacy preparations or folk remedies. The burning occurs due to the appearance of microcracks and penetrate infection in them, so you need to lubricate the cooled area diclofenac or a voltarned emulgel. Hold your feet in warm water with a small amount of sea salt and liquid soap. Try to remove the heat of the pumice.

How to treat natopysh at home

"Egg" Ointment from Natoptysh

You need to mix acetic essence with any vegetable oil. The fortress of the essence should be 70%. Mix ingredients need in equal amounts. Before use, the mixture is worth withstanding 12 hours in the refrigerator. After that, feed the fabric to the ointment and attach it to natopysham for the night. Before the procedure, steal your legs and spend them with pembias.

How to treat natopysh at home

Bath with potatoes

Boil the washed potato cleaning until soft. Disstain the skin with a puster before getting a puree. Pour the oil of linen seed into the mass and place your feet in this porridge for 15 minutes. Wash the feet and lubricate them with moisturizing cream. Take such a procedure every day before the disappearance of the flapped plots.

How to treat natopysh at home


As a medication, you can use:

  • onion;
  • garlic;
  • propolis;
  • celandine;
  • scarlet.

Any of products need to grind and attach to a patient. Top to the feet should be put on cellophane and socks. Keep the medicine all night. In the morning of the limb you need to wash and lose sandpaper. After that, lubricate the soles of the legs with moisturizing cream or boiled vegetable oil.

How to treat natopysh at home

It is possible to effectively deal with the coil skin with aspirin. Grind the tablets in the mortar and add half of the lemon to the powder. Stir the substances and apply Cashitz to the foot. Watch your feet with a film and put on the socks. Keep the mask need 20 minutes.

How to treat natopysh at home

Baths from Natoptysh

On 2 liters of water you will need 2 tablespoons of salt and a little liquid soap. You can grate a lump soap on the grater. To the resulting mixture, lower the legs and hold 20 minutes. After softening the flabbing sites, let's pull them with a brush and cut the brush with a blade. You can contact the beauty salon and make a hardware pedicure. Excellent copes with natopeshi bath with soda. Practice in a pelvis with warm water 3 tablespoons of food soda, 2 spoons of glycerin and a catering of sea salt. Hold your feet in the liquid and then pull the feet to the saw. If, after using all folk remedies, Natopeshi do not pass, consult a doctor. In some cases, surgical intervention is shown.

These simple ways will help you not resort to surgical treatment and get rid of the pain in your feet.

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