How to treat stomatitis at home

How to treat stomatitis at home

Under stomatitis, the inflammation of the mucous membrane is usually understood as a reaction to various stimuli. Despite the visible "lightness" of the disease, with improper or late treatment, the disease can lead to serious consequences. Next, we will tell why and how to avoid it.

What is Stomatitis

Earlier it was believed that Stomatitis is a typical disease for children who love to try everything tooth. Over time, the situation has changed, the patients included an extensive category of adults. Even redundant follows of hygiene rules can disrupt the normal functioning of the salivary glands, especially if you use toothpastes with sodium sulfate peeled paste. This component contributes to insufficient salivation, as a result, damage to the mucous membranes by aggressive food decomposition or microorganisms. Stomatitis may occur for various reasons. Of these, we allocate the following:

  • impairment of oral hygiene;
  • reduction of immunity;
  • unfavorable ecological situation;
  • physical damage to the mucous, cuts, scratches, "bits";
  • complications from other diseases;
  • improper nutrition (more specifically - lack of vitamins B-Group, iron, zinc, folic acid);
  • incorrectly made dentures;
  • alcohol smoking and abuse.

Diseases associated with stomatitis

If stomatitis occurs systematically and is not cured, it may be an alarming bell that hints on oncological diseases, tumors of pharynx and nasopharynx, neck, heads. Stomatitis can manifest itself after cure, for example, as a result of chemotherapy. The same applies to HIV infection, with which the risk of stomatitis is very high. Inflammation accompanies various dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as infection with round and ribbon worms. Stomatitis as a result is developing after severe, long-term vomiting or diarrhea, a large blood loss, during hormonal bursts in women, including menopause.

Symptoms of Stomatitis

It is quite simple to determine this disease. Redness appears on the mucous membrane of the mouth, often painful, which can be brought up to edema or ulcers. Stomatitis is accompanied by an unpleasant smell of mouth, increased sensitivity and bleeding of gums, strong salivation. In rare cases, the patient's body temperature rises to 38, or even 39 degrees. Yazvops can appear in any places of the oral cavity, however the most typical are placed on the inside of the cheeks and lips, under the tongue, on the soft sky or almonds. With a slight course (without sharp pain and temperature), it is only possible to observe the diet and restore the hygiene mode: rinse with antiseptic means, eliminate sharp, excessively hot or cold food, smoked, spices, canned food. In other cases, it is not necessary to turn to the doctor.

How to treat Stomatit

Most of the drugs should prescribe a doctor after a thorough inspection. Anesthesin, lidocaine, ledochae, calangean juice or chamomile juice are used to remove pain. Inhalipt, Lugol-spray, Stomatidine, Actovegin, Eucalyptt-M have antiseptic properties. Accelerate the healing of the epithelium of solicleryl, carotoline, sea buckthorn oil and rosehip, Shostakovsky balm, propolis. If the stomatitis of fungal, viral or allergic origin, methods and means of its treatment will differ significantly. At the same time, a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide remains one of the most effective drugs. It is bred in proportions 1: 1 with water and rinse the oral cavity daily 5 times, up to reaching a positive result. Adherents of traditional medicine recommend daily to dissolve several grains of cloves (seasonings) for anesthesia and speedy wound healing.

Sometimes saliva isolate reduced certain drugs. Anemia is an additional risk factor for the appearance of stomatitis.

Comments leave a comment
Love 07/10/2018 at 0:12.

It is most convenient for me to use the rinse in Stomatit. Viscid was last bought, bribed the natural composition and was not mistaken. Everything healed quickly, did not even expect such an effect.

Kira 07/25/2019 at 14:54.

This is how it is more convenient for the rinse, and I liked the gel more. Holovaal bought and quickly got rid of all these white yazens in the mouth.

Inga 12/21/2019 at 6:18.

During his treatment, he was satisfied and now, when nothing bothers, Orvis Lizozyme. It helps the local immunity of the oral mucous membrane to support, thanks to which the infection is not penetrating inside, the recovery is faster. Stomatitis is because of this and arises ... Therefore, it is so important. Rinse throat Now also my hands-assistants)) will not be superfluous))


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