The yase in the mouth is such a small defect of the mucous membrane, and the unpleasant sensations brings many. This is pain when eating food, and dry mouth, and acute reaction to salty and hot. If you understand their cause of the occurrence, the correct method of treatment will help to get rid of them forever.
Traumatic ulcer is the most common, due to the frequency of physical impact. Probably, each ever bit the cheek teeth or scratched the mucous membrane with a dental crown or a seal. Make a gauge with a solution of chlorhexidine or smear them with a solingurile and very quickly you will forget about the unpleasant sensation.
Aphtose Stomatitis is very painful rashes (AFTs), which can be located in the language, sky, mucous cheeks and lips. If they are injured during meals (hot, sour or sharp) or when cleaning teeth, the AFTA is transformed into ulceration with the subsequent scar and healing will stretch to a month. Begin treatment with antiallergic preparations (suprastine, claritine, Loratadine) for 10 days and handle ulcers with antiseptic ointment (Mirisminestin, nystatin).
Candidose (fungal) stomatitis is most common in children, often with elevated temperatures. These are foci of infection with a whitish or grayish film. Wipe them with a gauze tampon moistened in soda solution (children dessert soda spoon on a glass of boiled water). With severe form with the temperature, the doctor will appoint an antibiotic.
Herpety stomatitis affects not only the mucous membrane, but also language and lips. At first, the bubbles are filled with a transparent liquid, which in a few days climbs, bursts, and healing begins. At first signs, the reception of anticheric drugs in the form of tablets should be taken, and if the recurrence still occurred - to smear the ulcers with a special ointment (Viferon Gel) 4 times during the week.
Do not forget to purchase Vitamin C in the pharmacy. An additional dose will help the body to cope with infection and strengthen the immunity. Comerate all the foci of infection (carious teeth, pulpit) in the mouth, they all the time will be "mini slow motion". And remember: not passing over two weeks of ulcers - the reason to immediately turn to the dentist.
Yazvovka in the mouth is a symptite of stomatitis. I have already been so, so I write about it with such confidence. I personally treat whochemid, the rinser is so on herbs, quite effective.
No, no impression. There is no taste. Just make a paste on the yazelka, spend a wet finger from above and that's it. Film is formed. The main thing is to wash your hands before applying the dirt not to put in the rink
No, no impression. There is no taste. Just make a paste on the yazelka, spend a wet finger from above and that's it. Film is formed. The main thing is to wash your hands before applying the dirt not to put in the rink
They are always formed for one reason: infection accumulates. That is why the local immunity of the mucous membrane is maintained. I'm resolving the courses of Orvis lysozyme, for example. And the taste is pleasant, and it is not so much. Required preventive rinsing, I do ... Yazovki and sores have not appeared long ago))
Yazvovka in the mouth is a symptite of stomatitis. I have already been so, so I write about it with such confidence. I personally treat whochemid, the rinser is so on herbs, quite effective.
Here, as if they removed from the language, I also wanted to write about Whisfid. There is always at home, in case of inflammation))
AFOFIX and Miramistin helped me. Aftfikix forms a film on the rays, they stop hurt and quickly heal
tell me, and when you smear this aftfix, there is a burning sensation?
No, no impression. There is no taste. Just make a paste on the yazelka, spend a wet finger from above and that's it. Film is formed. The main thing is to wash your hands before applying the dirt not to put in the rink
No, no impression. There is no taste. Just make a paste on the yazelka, spend a wet finger from above and that's it. Film is formed. The main thing is to wash your hands before applying the dirt not to put in the rink
They are always formed for one reason: infection accumulates. That is why the local immunity of the mucous membrane is maintained. I'm resolving the courses of Orvis lysozyme, for example. And the taste is pleasant, and it is not so much. Required preventive rinsing, I do ... Yazovki and sores have not appeared long ago))