The pimple in language by definition cannot form, because there are no sebaceous glands. The similarity of this formation with a pimple is exclusively in appearance. In fact, it is ulcers and swelling, which very much interfere with to eat, talk, and generally create discomfort even at rest. What they appear and how to deal with them, read further.
A white or yellow pimple, similar to an ulcer, may indicate the presence of stomatitis. In this case, small white ulcers are surrounded by redness, they are painful, most often it is unpleasant itching, tweaked after meals (especially acidic). The reason for this sore was not compared with the rules of the mouth of the oral cavity, so the treatment is to correct the lifestyle in this regard (dirty in the mouth do not take, wash hands before eating), using medicines ("Metrogil-Denta", "Stomatofit") and frequent rinsing with antiseptics :- aqueous solution (0.05%) chlorhexidine;
- hydrogen peroxide;
- decoction chamomile.
Doctors often appoint:
- antifungal drugs in the form of pills for resorption under tongue, such as "Lev Room", or caramel, for example, "Decamine" (1-2 pieces 6-8 times a day);
- rinsing 5 times a day for a glass of a bura solution (2-5%), food soda (2%) or boric acid (2%);
- appliques and lubricants with lugolam (Lugolev solution in glycerin) or a drill solution in glycerin (20%).
- distortion or loss of taste sensations;
- reinforced salivation;
- unpleasant smell of mouth;
- change coloring or blooming stains;
- ulcers of different sizes and depths;
- "Prints" teeth on the sides in the language and the swelling of the language.
Glossite may occur due to: language injuries (boning, burn), allergies for some food or toothpaste, taking very sharp and hot food, alcohol abuse, nervous breakdown or in the presence of herpes virus. The main cause of glossitis is still weakened immunity. Therefore, the basis of any treatment is immunostimulants (for example, "IMUDON" or drugs with licorice root extract, ginseng, echinacea or aralles high).
In order not to prevent the restoration of the structure and tissues of the language, follow your diet:
- refuse acute, salty, smoked, canned, carbonated drinks and alcohol;
- more often drink warm herbal teas without sugar;
- efficiency products contribute to the normalization of microflora;
- food cook or extinguish, eat warm in the form of mashed potatoes;
- drink as much purity as possible.
Carefully watch your tongue! In a particular case, it is due to its condition and health, because the disease on the surface of the tongue can be crying about the help of your body.
If a pimple in the language appeared, then I already know what Stomatitis begins (((I just buy whisfid, the rinser with natural makeup, and I rinse the mouth of them! Helps perfectly! A few days later, I do not remember about the pimples in the mouth.
If a pimple in the language appeared, then I already know what Stomatitis begins (((I just buy whisfid, the rinser with natural makeup, and I rinse the mouth of them! Helps perfectly! A few days later, I do not remember about the pimples in the mouth.