How to treat candidiasis

How to treat candidiasis

Disease candidiasis caused in case of breeding yeast-like Mushrooms Candidate a lot. The disease occurs with a reduced immunity. The appointment of Candidose treatment occurs after the accurate diagnosis was confirmed. It is very dangerous to be treated independently, because the same symptoms have other infectious diseases. And if you choose incorrect treatment, it can cause complications in the form of chronic candidiasis, inflammation of the testicles, prostatitis, compression of the extreme flesh. To get rid of the candidiasis, it is necessary to accurately determine the form of the disease and the likelihood of relapses. There is a general treatment (reception of drugs) and local treatment (these are powders, ointments, creams).

Creams and ointments against candidiasis

The easiest flow of candidal vulvovaginis in women can be limited to local treatment. These may be vaginal preparations or candles including the active substance - clotrimazole, izokonazole., mikonazole..

Substance nystatin It is considered obsolete, so it does not effectively actively act on microorganisms.
Some doctors recommend using a bera solution (5%) in glycerin directly into the vagina. But this method has long been outdated, because ineffective.

A light form of the disease is treated at a time with the help of such drugs as FL ukonazole.. Often the treatment is complemented by antifungal drugs: therapy by immunological drugs Strengthening Preparations , treatment With the help of physical factors.

With lesion candida The surface of the head of the male member, treatment can be limited to ointments. The most common is the means Clotrimazole. It is necessary to apply it twice a day for seven days. You can still use the tool with Natamycin and Nistato (This is an antifungal antibiotic), imificated.


Taking medicines from candidiasis

Antifungal agents systematically affect the human body, killing candida. The most effective drug is Fluconazole.. It fights perfectly with fungal infection, sometimes a sufficient dose of 150 mg.
Also prescribe Nystatin is Antibiotic that fights fungi.

Candidiasis The mucous membrane of the mouth or stomatitis is treated with the drug Miramistinwhich not only kills an infection, and restores local immunity.

Folk Methods for Candidian Treatment

In case of disease, it is necessary to eat products containing substances that kill microorganisms. Local treatment involves the reception of plant substances. Among them:

  • Garlic. Vegetable is rich in phytoncides that help to cope with candidiasis. To do this, we make such a solution: crush a few cloves of garlic and coat them with cool water. Let it brew and drink before each meal. You can also make oil from garlic. To do this, crosses garlic and mix it with refined oil. Apply the resulting mixture with a tampon.
  • Tincture of calendula. Calendula solution can be washed with genitals. For its preparation you need several spoons of colors to pour boiling water. After that, give to stand forty minutes.
  • Soda. With itching in the affected places, soda solution is used 2%. For its preparation, a spoon of soda on a liter of water will be required. Before applying drugs, it is recommended to wipe the skin with such a composition.
  • Juniper. Boiling water Pour the fruits of the plant and give it to be broken. Drink infusion before taking food.
  • Mixture of honey, bow, lemon. This mixture does not give infection to spread. In addition, the products perfectly stimulate the immune system. For the mixture, it will take five spoons of onion juice and Honey and ten juice lemon. Take each time.

Folk remedies from candidiasis should be complemented by key treatment with medicines. Treatment must appoint and observe the doctor. And only then can we talk on operational Reliable from the disease.

Preventive measures are aimed at strengthening human immunity and strengthen the entire body. To do this, you need to lead an active lifestyle, in time to treat the disease, eat well. The human diet should include a large number of natural products, as well as fermented milk. You still need to drink a lot of purified water, use fruits with antifungal influence, for example, garlic, pepper, grapefruit, lingonberry. Hygienic measures and contraceptives are also important for the prevention of candidiasis. And condoms will save not only from the candidiasis, and from more serious diseases.

Comments leave a comment
Sophia 10/26/2018 at 16:33

Antimicotics treat, how else to treat? Fungi only microflora violate, because I prescribed a doctor in two stages. Flora, both recovered and the problems are all gone.

Olya 10/28/2018 at 11:35.

Wearing daily gaskets provokes the development of thrush, I now do not use them at all.


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