How to treat thrush

How to treat thrush

Vaginal candidiasis or thrush becomes the worst enemy of a huge number of women. If you believe the statistics, then 90% of girls at least once in their lives came across this disease. There may be a low immunity, the reception of antibiotics, the pH of the balance in the vagina, non-compliance with the norms of hygiene and even improper choice of underwear. What to do if you happened to encounter such an unpleasant problem like a thrush?

It is necessary to understand that the Internet is not responsible for your health. Therefore, if you independently chose a treatment, and it did not fit you - there is no hile, except yours. Contact your problem to a specialist. Many girls are shy to go to the gynecologist with the thrush and thereby make an unforgivable mistake in relation to their health. However, the doctor is not just a person from the street, on the debt of his service, he saw hundreds of girls with such problems and his task is not to condemn and engage in morals, but to appoint proper treatment and ensure that the patient has successfully come to a speedy recovery.

If you understand that your health is only in your hands, but you still have no opportunity to visit honey. The institution - let's talk about what you can do on your own in the fight against the thrush. This disease is caused by yeast-like mushrooms of the genus Candida, and, therefore, it is necessary to treat it with antifungal drugs. Fluconazole capsules are most popular, which should be taken with an interval of 72 hours, that is, on the 1st, 4th and 7th day of treatment. With an aggravated thrush, it is recommended not to stop therapy on this and continue to take the drug on one capsule per week for six months for complete recovery.

The thrush in the early stages can be triggered by people and people, without the use of medicines:

  1. One of these methods is the treatment of soda. You need to breed Art. l. Soda in a liter of boiled water and add one part. iodine. Pour the resulting solution in the pelvis and sit down in it for 15 minutes. Such baths must be repeated for 2-3 days.
  2. Excellent soothing, softening and wound-healing effect has honey. A spoonful of honey must be divorced in ten spoons of water and process the injected places with the resulting solution.
  3. Eliminate itching will help Kefir. It must be applied to the gauze tampon and mark the vagina for the night. In the morning you need to see the infancy of the pharmacy chamomile.
  4. In the thrush, it is recommended to perform morning squeaks from the antiseptic tincture of chamomile and calendula. For her preparation, take the same spoon of the pharmacy chamomile, two spoons of the pharmacy calendula and fill them over the night liter of boiling water.

In order not to deal with the treatment of thrush, it is better to prevent it in advance. Take care of your health:

  • watch your immunity;
  • eat enough vitamins in food;
  • remember that after receiving antibiotics, you must undergo a course of prebiotics;
  • observe the correct genital hygiene;
  • refuse synthetic linen and try not to wear thong too often.

Keep in mind that home therapy can save you on the symptoms of thrush and not cure it at the same time. As a result, the disease develops into launched candidiasis and brings a huge amount of trouble. That is why we strongly recommend not to engage in self-medication and seek help for a doctor in the earliest stages of the disease, then complete recovery will come much faster.

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Diana 28/05/2020 at 10:53.

It always seems to everyone that the treatment of thrush is plenty ... no matter how much ... it is also not so easy to cure. It is better to immediately contact the doctor and do not engage in self-medication!

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Irocha 24/06/2020 at 19:34

If you begin to treat the thrush yourself, then cure her quickly it is unlikely to work. Well, personally I did not succeed, until I turned to the doctor. The doctor, in addition to the antifungal drug, appointed the second stage of the lactochinal to restore the microflora and then after this treatment with the thrush it was possible to part. What am I incredibly glad, because I got it !!!

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