How the thrush is manifested in women

How the thrush is manifested in women

With such an unpleasant disease, like thrush or vulvogenic candidiasis, up to 90% of modern women. The thrush is not a dangerous disease, but it can easily be transferred to a sexual partner or child in the process of childbirth. As a rule, the reception of drugs and the use of external means for some time eliminate signs of illness, but do not cure it completely. The return of the ailment reduces the quality of life and forces again to resort to the reception of medicines. Unfortunately, most women are in no hurry to contact the doctor and get used to engage in self-treatment, which may entail other, sometimes very serious health problems.

Causes of the occurrence of thrush

The candida albicans fungus, which is the causative agent of the disease, is present in the normal microflora of most people, actually without showing itself. Under the action of certain negative factors, the fungus and violation of the fragile microflora balance occurs. These factors include the following:

  • Long reception drugs, v volume number oral contraceptives, with content feminine family gormon. estrogen. Under action of this gormon. occurs the change structures mucous shell vagina and development pathogenic properties fungus. Natural phytoestrogen (borovaya uterus, sport, sage, shepherd a bag) also can provoke appearance kandidose.
  • Reception of antibacterial drugs. Destroying pathogenic bacteria, antibiotics cause weakening the immune system and change the natural microflora. The thrush, which appeared during the reception of such drugs, will manifest itself every time subsequent antibacterial therapy.
  • Sugar diabetes - a disease characterized by impaired metabolism can also cause a pathogenic violation of microflora and reproduction of the Candida fungus.
  • The overall decrease in immunity against the background of fatigue, stress, lack of sleep, viral infections is reflected on the ability of our body to control the balance of microorganisms.
  • Pregnancy causes a hormonal splash in the body of a woman, and changes occur, which, along with a decrease in the protective functions of the immune system, lead to the development of fungal infections.
  • Violation of the diet is the use of baking, sweet confectionery and carbonated drinks in large quantities.

Signs of thrush

  • White curly discharge on the genital organs, vulva and vagina mucosa.
  • Strong itching in the crotch area - may appear before the start of the selection, and after conducting hygienic procedures does not disappear, but even enhances.
  • Redness and microcracks - During the exacerbation of the disease, the mucous membrane becomes the most vulnerable and easily injured. The presence of a high acid environment prevents healing and even more damaging the tissue.
  • Pain and burning in the crotch area during sexual contact or at the moment of urination - caused by damage to the mucous membrane of the vagina and vulva, as well as related inflammatory processes.

Treatment and Prevention of thrush

The treatment of candidiasis should only be controlled by a specialist-gynecologist, which will prescribe the necessary antimicose drugs depending on the course of the disease and the general condition of the patient.
Along with this, you must remember the following recommendations:

  • Comerate therapy at the same time as a sexual partner, since men can be carriers of fungus without any symptoms.
  • Comply with personal hygiene rules with the use of drugs containing milk acid.
  • Limit alcohol, carbohydrate food, yeast, confectionery, including natural dairy products and prebiotics in the diet.
  • Do not engage in self-medication and uncontrolled antibacterial agent.

Comments leave a comment
Pauline 16/10/2020 at 18:15

I have always had itching and allocations. Extremely unpleasant symptoms, I want to get rid of them faster.

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Olga 18/10/2020 at 0:39.

Well, of course unpleasant symptoms, agree with you. Therefore, everyone is beginning to be treated faster, and this is no longer a good. I myself did so and so I know that it is better to immediately contact the doctor. To me, in addition to the antifungal drug, the second stage was prescribed a lactochinal to restore the microflora. It turns out to be a very important moment in treatment and it is better not to skip it.

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Field 26/04/2021 at 16:03

Oh, everyone in different ways, it's for sure ... I first had an asymptomatic, and then a terrible burning began. He began to take the Multiflora Femi and the Antibiotic. Together it helped everything in order to lead and most importantly that the microflora did not damage. Very important useful bacteria to take in treatment. And even-with treatment do not delay.

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