How pneumonia is manifested

How pneumonia is manifested

Pneumonia is not as terrible, as it can describe medical workers. But it is worth noting that the launched stage of pneumonia can apply colossal Harm body. To avoid complications, the disease must be diagnosed on time and move to direct treatment. As a rule, the treatment of this disease occurs in an outpatient form.

Causes of pneumonia

Main part of diseases pneumonia draws up bacteria in respiratory Ways and small part are viruses. Their appearance provoke influenza viruses and other devoid lipoproteinova Bacteria shells. Only a small number of diseases falls on the defeat of the respiratory tract of fungal infections. Viruses pneumonia Could get into the human body in two ways:

  • airborne droplet;
  • with the help of the previously acquired virus.

There are groups of people who should be treated with healthy lungs and respiratory tract in general:

  • people who have a direct dependence on tobacco and alcoholic beverages;
  • old men and all people advanced age;
  • patients with immunodeficiency;
  • people with various diseases of the heart, bronchi and lungs;
  • diabetics.

Symptoms pneumonia in different forms

Divide four forms of leakage pneumonia:

  • Brewing pneumonia. Symptoms of the disease are manifested by equal with typical ARVI. As a rule, the patient's temperature does not exceed 39 degrees, there is a noticeable decline forces. Over time, dry cough appears, then number sputum increases. Next, the patient feels significant pain in various fields of the chest, chills and heaviness of breathing. Basically, the disease progresses no more than two weeks, in rare cases the health of the patient comes to normal after three weeks.
  • Focal pneumonia. As a rule, under this form of the disease, the body temperature does not exceed 37.5 degrees. One of its first signs is a strong cough, accompanied by abundant sputum and hoarse. The patient constantly feels indifference, pain in the head and ribs to varying degrees.
  • Asymptomatic pneumonia. Symptoms of the disease are literally absent, the patient does not have a temperature and cough. A person feels a slight ailment and weakness. Usually, similar symptoms are written off on fatigue at work or in everyday life. The disease will open by chance if a person will pass fluorography.
  • Chronic pneumonia. This form of the disease is a consequence of illiterate treatment. It is periodic, a person can get sick at any time of the year. With chronic pneumonia There is a cough in dry form, and during the period The exacerbations increase the temperature, abundant sputum is added to the cough and painful sensations in the region of ribs. Mainly chronic form pneumonia People working in chemical enterprises and having addiction to tobacco products.

Diagnostation pneumonia

Diagnose the appearance in the body pneumonia Any highly qualified doctor is capable. First, the medical worker listens to the chest to establish an accurate diagnosis. In the presence of characteristic sound vibrations, the patient is sent to fluorography and pass all the necessary blood tests to determine the degree of inflammation. Also, doctors recommend to pass some sputum for a detailed study. Such a procedure is able to give a 100% answer to all your questions. It undoubtedly determines the type of virus and helps to choose competent treatment.

How to treat treatment pneumonia

  • Treatment of neglected forms of the disease passes in hospitals, and patients with the absence of any complications are treated at home. It is important to conduct a quiet way of life and not get up from bed during the period of all treatment.
  • To eliminate the virus from the human body, strongest antibiotics consisting of powerful antimicrobial elements are used. Medical preparations are appointed for up to two weeks.
  • In the event that for two days the patient does not feel improvements, then drugs change to other, stronger. Appointed The treatment is extremely important to produce completely, otherwise there is a chance of re-occurring the disease, in more acute form.
  • Medical preparations are prescribed depending on the focus of origin - the virus or fungus.
  • Along with antibiotics, all sorts of vitamins and preparations for maintaining immunity are consumed.
  • Depending on the type of cough, various medicines are prescribed, which will accelerate the debit of sputum.
  • A dietary menu is assigned, which eliminates the entire sharp, salt and smoked food. It is not necessary to refuse food, you should eat right and more than usual. The patient needs to consume all useful products for example, fruits and vegetables, grains, meat.
  • Mandatory is a fluid intake - at least three liters per day. You can consume various juices, frost, mineral water and teas filled with vitaminity properties.
  • At the end of treatment, reducing procedures should be carried out with the help of inhaler and various essential oils.

Complications for improper treatment of pneumonia

Ignore a visit to a doctor In no, it is impossible, otherwise it can lead to inevitable consequences. The patient may have large problems with the usual intake of oxygen. From this there may be shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing and changing the color of the skin. In such cases, more complicated treatment is prescribed.
The most dangerous complication for the human body is sepsis, which can develop bacteria. In this case, it should be understood that the patient is in danger and the challenge of emergency medical care should be urgently.

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Sergey 07/11/2019 at 16:14

It seems to me that it is impossible not to notice ... The state is terrible, and the cough seems like a barking. In general, I was put in the hospital at all, I made inhalations with Orvis Broncho Ambroxol (by the way, a good thing and from ordinary cough. I recently sick and tried. I ordered a shop. Evallar, by the way, it was more convenient), + went to physiotherapy, the antibiotics were also given. Only all together and helped)) Pneumonia sued No, which was not enough glad)

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