How diabetes is manifested

How diabetes is manifested

Diabetes is one of the most common endocrinological diseases in our time. It can appear with the help of a variety of violations of the body's work, but it is provoked by insulted insulin. As a consequence, each liquid in the human body is oversaturated with glucose. This disease can be easily called global, as it captures literally all internal systems.

Why do diabetes symptoms appear?

The fact is that if insulin in the body accumulates not enough - the sugar consumed in the body does not have the ability to absorb, therefore glucose is postponed in tissues and liquids. Non-deposition of carbohydrates leads to violations of normal functioning:

  • pancreas,
  • kidney
  • elimination of fluid in the body

Important: If an adult man or child suffers from diabetes, it has violations of all types of processes in the organism of metabolism: proteins, minerals, fats and carbohydrates.

The first important symptoms of diabetes

As with any serious illness, early appeal to the doctor for advice and treatment will help to avoid many complications. It is worth paying attention to such symptoms as:

  • In 80% of cases, diabetes have itching of the skin of various locations: hands, legs, shoulders, belly, neck, etc. This itching is impossible to eliminate and he often makes itself felt.
  • Excessive drowsiness in the course of the day, even with a full sleep regularly, reminds of itself fatigue.
  • Violation of metabolism disruptively affects the condition of the hair: they are thinned, fall out, become dull and slowly and grow very badly.
  • Long and slow healing of even the most insignificant wounds and bruises.

How to recognize diabetes of the first type?

It is this type of disease that doctors call "insulin-dependent". All because a person needs to be engaged in the insulin embolting every definite time, because its body can no longer produce this substance. The first type of diabetes is subject to:

  • children,
  • teenagers and young people
  • adults up to forty years.

IMPORTANT: Symptoms of 1-th type diabetes are rapidly developing and often suffering from an acute complication hospital. Often, patients themselves do not know about their disease.

Pay attention to such symptoms as:

  • considerable weight loss even with full nutrition,
  • thirst,
  • dry mouth
  • non-fat and frequent feeling of hunger,
  • frequent urination
  • abundant urination,
  • urinary incontinence,
  • weakness and fatigue,
  • acetone smell of mouth,
  • nausea,
  • vomit,
  • dizziness
  • foot cramps
  • browse in the eyes
  • low body temperature,
  • long infectious diseases.

How to recognize a diabetes of second type?

Most often, people suffer from such diabetes when reaching the 40-year-old age and older. Often, such patients have problems with obesity, overweight and most often they have severe heredity. In this case, the body is able to produce insulin and even in a provisional quantity, but the fabrics themselves lose susceptibility and cannot assimilate it.

Signs of such diabetes:

  • weight gain, body weight increase,
  • long healing of skin wounds,
  • frequent and long-term infectious diseases,
  • violations
  • strong thirst
  • regular dry mouth,
  • itching skin of different locations,
  • numbness of the limbs
  • foot cramps and hands.

IMPORTANT: Signs of the second type are not very different from the first, but they are characteristic of slow development, and in the initiation of the disease, a person is even capable of falling into someone.

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Gera 09/17/2019 at 12:56.

At first, I have always been a terrible state ... and diabetes at all accidentally set. Now I drink Olyzyn (vitamins in diabetes) and try to stick to low-carb. Thanks to this, sugar is normal, so well-being good))

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