How to treat tuberculosis

How to treat tuberculosis

Tuberculosis transmitted In particular, airborne droplets by the way. The human body cannot avoid an unpleasant meeting with the virus, but the subsequent development of events depends on the immune system. If you follow your health, regularly strengthen immunity, observe the daily routine, then do not worry. But real life is far from the ideal, what the result is - epidemic Tuberculosis. Fortunately, the disease is curable. Medical recommendations and traditional recipes for traditional medicine are presented below.

If a You have noticed the following symptoms in yourself or close others, this serious A reason to consult a doctor and undergo an examination:

  • systematic increase in temperature at the level of the inflammatory process - 37 _37,5about;
  • sampling after physical exertion;
  • increased sweating, in particular, during sleep;
  • weakness and constant fatigue;
  • weight loss;
  • lack of appetite;
  • regular coughing or coughing, often with separation sputumPerhaps with blood.

Often people do not pay attention to some symptoms, attributing them to fatigue from work and household problems. Therefore, children make a reaction on schedule mantu, and adults are strongly recommended to undergo fluorography once a year.

If a u child The sample is positive, the doctor will prescribe an additional examination: blood test and x -ray lungs. After detecting the virus in the body, the drug will be prescribed " Isoniazid»Course from 3 to 6 months. Adults are prescribed the same drug, only another dosage. Therapy will be limited to one medicine if lungs will be clean. In the worst case, the doctor selects several related medications.

Along with treatment, improved nutrition is necessary. The diet must have: fish, meat, fruits, seafood. Since treatment will negatively affect the liver, you need to limit fried and fatty foods, sweet and spicy as possible. A concomitant restoration of the suffering body will also be required. Preparations have proven themselves well: "" Karsil», « Hepaben», « Essential» .

If a you are sick tuberculosis, take care of your loved ones, observing elementary hygiene methods:

  • heavy (open) form is treated exclusively in the hospital, because it poses a real threat of mass destruction;
  • use separate dishes;
  • take paper handkerchiefs, and burn immediately after use;
  • coughing, necessarily Hide.

Recipes of traditional medicine. Even if you are among the skeptics and do not consider this method of treatment adequate, we recommend that you try. In the tips below, there are no products and herbs that can harm you:

  1. Walk a lot in the fresh air and often ventilate the room.
  2. Drink a lot of milk if you do not have contraindications to it caused by other diseases.
  3. When using fruits and berries, try to make a choice more often in favor of grapes in natural and liquid form.
  4. Brew the root of the alte in the proportion of 1 tbsp. l. On a glass of water. Drink In warm form in small portions - this is an expectorant.
  5. Brew the leaves of coltsfoot is similar to the recipe above. Divide a glass of decoction into 3 portions and drink after reception food. The course is 3-4 weeks.
  6. Fish oil - excellent nutrient capsules to strengthen the whole organism. You need to drink a course of 3 weeks for 1 capsule or 1 tsp. 3 p./Day.
  7. Try to saturate your diet with white cabbage salads.
  8. A decoction of pine buds - effective meansbut you need to use with caution. Take 1 tsp. On a glass of boiling water and insist for 2 hours. Strain and drink one throat every half an hour.
  9. Refuse alcohol And cigarettes.

Treatment tuberculosis It is based on a healthy lifestyle and good nutrition. Previously, there was a stereotype that it was a disease of poor and socially unprotected people, but over time many successful personalities debunked the prevailing opinion. Folk methods are effective at the initial stage of the disease, but are not a panacea from tuberculosis. Take medications exclusively according to the prescription of the doctor And remember yours Health in yours Hands!

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