How to treat dibacteriosis

How to treat dibacteriosis

It is worth noting that there are 4 stages of development of intestinal dysbiosis. And if on the first two treatment can be carried out almost without the use of drugs, then 3-4 already requires solid drug intervention. In addition, it is very important to understand the reason that led to the development of the disease. Therefore, without appeal to the doctor, just do not do. As for self-help, the following should be done.

Enrich your daily diet with products that contribute to the normalization of microflora. These include: fruits, cereal, seaweed, soy milk, as well as dairy products - cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt.

Useful and necessary components for the normalization of microflora and healthy work of the intestine are also contained in wheat, bows, corn, garlic and chicory. Of these products, it is easiest to get such a necessary component in natural form as probiotic. Doctors are prescribed for substitution such drugs like Duhalak, as well as dietary supplements (ilkusan, normal).

If the doctor adds drugs, their main component will be probiotic. Though the word and terrible, but in fact, everything is simple - these are drugs, which are the living cultures of bacteria. It is thanks to them in your intestine a normal microflora will be restored. Depending on the reasons that led to the dysbacteriosis, and from the development stage of treatment is carried out by various drugs, and the course is from 5 days to 6 weeks. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe antibacterial drugs, bacteriophages, immunostimulants and a multivitamin complex.

To avoid dysbacteriosis, doctors recommend just to take care of their intestines, observing certain power rules:

  1. Not very acute, salted, oily food;
  2. Include ferocular products into the daily diet;
  3. Abandon whole milk, coffee, sweets and ice cream;
  4. Feed food products, not from fast food, abandon artificial dyes and amplifiers of taste sensations.

If you suspect that you have dysbacteriosis, it is better not to delay in time, but immediately consult a doctor. First, self-treatment may not give the desired result, but only aggravate the situation. Secondly, the earlier the correct diagnosis was established (and specifically with the disease - the reason for the development of the disease), the faster and better assistance will be provided.

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Victor 13/11/2019 at 10:25

The doctor advised me a tank-set forte to take (in order to normalize the microflora). In addition, of course, I also tried myself more than a kefir drink, there is a sauer cauldron ... it seems to me that everything is only in the complex everything works. In any case, there is no trace from the dysbiosis, and this is the most important thing))

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Luda 04/05/2020 at 7:46.

When such a diagnosis was put, began to take multiflora from Evalar. There is a bifi complex in it and lactobacilli + prebiotic, it is better not better than the complex. Only she ended up and helped the intestinal work to put in order, settle it with all the necessary bacteria. The diagnosis in the end took me))

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