Diet with dysbacteriosis

Diet with dysbacteriosis

Dysbacteriosis is a change in the organism microflora. In this case, the balance of beneficial bacteria and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms is disturbed. Diet with dysbacteriosis will not only help restore well-being, establish the process of digestion, but also avoid it in the future.

Unlike diet to reduce weight, diet with dysbacteriosis does not have restrictions on the time of food intake, the number of calories eaten or emphasis on a certain type of product. This type of food is exclusively therapeutic and prophylactic character, although, following the recommended menu, you can also lead yourself to the form.

Nutrition in dysbacteriosis must certainly be diverse, useful and nutritious. Food that should be excluded is not recommended for many diets. We will have to reconsider their culinary habits and put on ready-made meals much less spices, especially salt, pepper and acetic acid.

In addition to very sharp, acidic and salty dishes, smoked and pickled products will also be eliminated, even in small quantities. From canned meat, fish and salads should also be abstained. Forbidden Mayonnaise, Ketchup and other sauces. About sweet and flour is also better for the time of treatment forget.

In the diet with dysbacteriosis must be meat, bird and fish. But it must be dietary, not fatty varieties. As for heat treatment, either quenching, or capacity or cooking. Vegetables and fruits should also be pre-prepared.

Seafood, brown rice, millet, bias and pearl cereals are prohibited. Any sausage, sausages and sausages are also banned. Onions, garlic, sauer cabbage and legumes are included in the list of non-permitted products. Select carbonated, very cold and very hot. Strong tea, coffee and cocoa do not use. Well, about alcoholic beverages, of course, have to forget.

Despite the fact that the diet has many restrictions, they do not have to starve. It is allowed to use rice or buckwheat porridge, not steep chicken and fish (white grades) broth, cottage cheese and kefir without taste additives. You can eat berries and fruits, pre-boiled or steamed.

In place of the usual bread it is better to do crackers. It is desirable to use chicken, not a fatty veal, turkey and rabbit. Cod, pike perch, heck, polytai, pike, sider, flip, and others are preferred from the fish. Honey is almost the only permitted sweetness, but they should not be abused. Drinks better than kisins, compotes from dried fruits and clean water.

The duration and severity of the diet with dysbacteriosis determines the attending physician. But adhering to such a diet, you will definitely notice improvements in well-being. The stomach will begin to work clearly, they will pass in the abdomen, colic and heartburn, and the chair and excessive gas formation normalizes.

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Nyusha 05/11/2020 at 19:02.

The diet is important, of course, but at the same time it is necessary to think not only about it, but also about the reception of beneficial bacteria from the outside. I myself took the Multiflora from Evalar, I ordered a phytomarket in the online store, it's more convenient. Bifi and lactobacillia with prebiotic helped to restore the intestinal work.

Nina 25/10/2021 at 9:49.

Of course, you need to observe the diet and take probiotics to protect the intestinal microflora. Personally, I have a mandatory asset of Flora Duo accepting to avoid dysbacteriosis. Well helps.


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