Diet ballerin

Diet ballerin

The refinement and lightness of the ballerina is a guarantee of its success, so a professional diet of girls in pointe contains a lot of aspects. This is a whole power philosophy that any of us can comprehend.

Before weight loss should be discharged. The first drink a glass of tomato juice for breakfast, 2 glasses with black bread for lunch, 1 cup for dinner. On the second day, each of the three meals consists of only a glass of kefira or milk. Dining time is allowed a slice of bread.

The dietary diet depends on the number of days allocated for fast weight loss. The four-day menu is as follows:

  • The first day: from one to one and a half liters of tomato juice without additives and seasonings, rye crackers.
  • The second: the same volume of milk + crackers.
  • Third: Cooking soup of 150 ml of broth, teaspoon rice, tablespoon of a grated carrot and 50 g of meat. Five such portions eat during the day.
  • Fourth: mineral water, as a last resort - low-fat milk or kefir.

If you do not mind sit on a diet 10 days, all the time you should eat like this:

  1. Breakfast: a glass of heated milk or kefir with a third bundle of cottage cheese. All products are degreasing.
  2. Snack: coffee, bread with butter, spoon of honey.
  3. Lunch: a cup of broth, up to 150 g meat, a tablespoon of boiled rice.
  4. Snack: Apple or Orange.
  5. Dinner: a glass of milk or kefir, a teaspoon of honey.

A number of rules will help consolidate the result of the diet:

  • Soups we use only a separate dish without combining it with second, snacks, dessert.
  • We do not eat different proteins (cheese and meat, beef and fish).
  • We limit or completely exclude salt. Instead, we use soy sauce, tomato, spices, greens.
  • We buy milk the least fat.
  • Conventional portions eat only half.
  • Correctly drink: 1.5-2 liters of useful fluid throughout the day. We quench thirst for half an hour (and not later!) Before meals and an hour after it.

Since ballerinas need to be enduring, the deficit of minerals and energy they are replenished with vitamin complexes. Before a long-term performance, elegant girls allow themselves to enjoy non-fat sweets - marshmallow, marmalade or slicker black chocolate.

Those who do not have a good physical form, the diet can cause incineration, primarily muscle mass, and only a minor loss of fat. In general, in ten days of such nutrition, the body is able to lose from 5 to 10 extra kilograms.

The ballerina themselves are recognized that they support an excellent figure, even if dinner happens far after 18:00. The main thing is to eat healthy food and in small quantities.

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