The delicious pastries, a variety of fat varieties of cheese, gastronomic delights of traditional cuisine do not prevent the French from remaining the most slender nation. The classic French diet will help reduce centimeters on the waist, while you do not need to exhaust yourself with hunger strikes, but only disciplinedly observe some rules for two weeks.
It has long been proven that leisurely absorption of food, thorough chewing of each piece leads to faster saturation than hasty snacking “on the go”. The slower we eat, the better the metabolic processes occur in the body. A beautifully set table, high -quality fresh products will create the necessary environment in order to get pleasure from food. Nutritionists advise filling their plate only once. And no additives! Before eating, you can drink 250 ml of water at room temperature, adding a few drops of lemon juice to it (in the event that the acidity of the body is not increased). You can afford 150 ml of good red dry wine. This will help to speed up the exchange process. Dinner should be no later than nineteen hours.1st day
- Breakfast: a cup of natural black coffee without sugar;
- Lunch: two boiled eggs, tomato, greens;
- Dinner: low -fat boiled meat (100 g), greens.
2nd day
- Breakfast: a cup of natural black coffee without sugar with a toast of rye bread;
- Lunch: boiled beef or other low -fat meat (100 g);
- Dinner: low -fat ham, greens.
3rd day
- Breakfast: a cup of natural black coffee without sugar, cracker;
- Lunch: carrots, tomato, orange passed in vegetable oil;
- Dinner: boiled sausage (100 g), two eggs, leaf salad.
4th day
- Breakfast: a cup of natural black coffee without sugar, cracker;
- Lunch: grated fresh carrots, low -fat cheese (100 g), boiled egg;
- Dinner: kefir, fruit salad.
5th day
- Breakfast: a salad of grated carrots with lemon juice;
- Lunch: steamed fish, tomato;
- Dinner: boiled low -fat meat (100 g).
6th day
- Breakfast: a cup of natural black coffee without sugar;
- Lunch: boiled chicken breast, greens;
- Dinner: boiled beef (100 g).
7th day
- Breakfast: a cup of green tea with lemon;
- Lunch: boiled beef or chicken, orange or mandarin;
- Dinner: boiled sausage or low -fat ham.
Strictly following these rules, you can drop to 8 kg. Another - the protein diet of Pierre Dukan is suitable for people whose weight exceeds the norm by 10 kg or more. However, before you decide on compliance with any diet, you need to consult a doctor. Despite the loyalty of the French diet, people with chronic diseases need to be careful, since it is not perfectly balanced.