3-day diet

3-day diet

Express diet is popular thanks to fast and tangible results. However, not everyone succeeds to reset unnecessary so that when returning to normal nutrition, do not dial non-hated kilograms. In addition to the notorious rule "Do not overeat", the competent combination of products is important during the period of limited food intake. Let's study a variety of menus tried by many girls and showing good results.

The discharge "Bulgarian" diet offers all 3 days to eat with a grams with lemon juice, honey and any fruit. On the 4th day, add apples, bread and potatoes, and from 5th to return to balanced nutrition.

According to the dairy diet, it is necessary to drink 0.8-1 liter of milk every day, dividing this volume on a portion of 200 ml. The diet is very strict, but helps to cope with eductions and burn fatty deposits.

Calm menu obliges us for three days to consume only unsalted products. Thus, an extra liquid is extended faster and weight decreases.

Jockey diet saturates the body with proteins:

  • on the first day, eat a small baked chicken, dividing it into three techniques;
  • on the second day, eat 300 grams of low-fat veal grilled;
  • on the third day we drink only black coffee, no more than 5 cups.

However, it is not much easier to carry such a monotonous menu. For example, comply with this diet:

  1. For breakfast, we drink a dismountain tea or black coffee, eat a piece of bread with two tablespoons of jam. After a couple of hours, there is half a grapefruit. Even later, they pointed yourself with a tuna in oil (halfbackers), a sliced \u200b\u200bof bread, radister. The lunch is 85 grams of dietary meat, bread, a glass of booth legumes and as much boiled beet. Closer to the evening there is a snack apple.
  2. The first breakfast includes tea or coffee, bread, egg. Second - banana. On Lunch, you can eat a glass of grain cottage cheese with dill and radish, as well as 5 crackers. Lunch consists of a glass of dietary borsch with bread and two sausages. For dinner allowed to drink tea and eat prunes.
  3. Breakfast coffee / tea, a piece of cheese, five crackers. The first snack is an apple, the second - egg, bread, cucumber, radish. For lunch, we prepare half a cup of chicken or tuna, on a glass of boiled beets and cauliflowers, add a slice of bread. Before bedtime, an apple or part of melon is allowed.

Diet Protasov

Stimulate metabolic processes will help

  • First day. Breakfast with green tea or carrot juice. I lunch with fresh vegetables and one grapefruit. Do you dine apple and any liquid from the breakfast menu.
  • On the second day we drink water without gas. In an emergency, you can allow a skimpinal kefir or green tea with a spoonful of honey.
  • On the third day, the food is the same as in the first.

For fans of exotic fruits, a special diet of five-time nutrition has been developed:

  • On the first day - 750 grams of fresh pineapple (divided into 3 receptions) and 2 banana.
  • In the second - 10 kiwi fruits (for three receptions) and 200 grams of grapes.
  • In the third eat fruit in this order: 200 g of grapes, as much pineapple, 4 kiwi, 100 g of pineapple, 100 g grapes, 2 kiwi.

Extreme diet, which the models adhere to, promises to save you from 3-5 kg \u200b\u200bof excess weight. All three days provide the same menu:

  • Breakfast - boiled screwed chicken egg.
  • Snack - tea without sugar and 175 g of cottage cheese.
  • Lunch repeats snack.

Choosing a quick diet for yourself, remember that they are mainly calculated on completely healthy people. Strombing contraindications are diseases of heart and digestion, diabetes, pregnancy. During the compliance with the special power mode, it is necessary to drink enough liquid and periodically purify the intestines with the withdrawal. But the most important rule is not to abuse the diet, stick it only for three days and repeat more than once a month.

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