Grapefruit diet

Grapefruit diet

In pursuit of rapid deliverance from unwanted sediments, the girl and women often harm their health. After all, most often ultra-free diets are stress for the body caused by unbalanced nutrition, or even fast. The grapefrute diet will contribute to the loss of 3-5 kilograms in just 7 days. At the same time, you do not have to starve, and the menu will include products, full of elements beneficial to the body.

Such an attractive diet makes its main component - grapefruit. Together with this magic product, your body will not experience a lack of vitamins C and E, vitamins of group B, phosphorus, magnesium. With kilograms' care, you reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases. The most prominent is the excellent floor of the citrus ability to prevent the binding of fats that are postponed in our body "about the supply". And the fiber, which will provide you with grapefruit, will allow for a long time to fit the feeling of hunger.

In addition to the main menu, follow some rules:

  1. Dinner must be strictly up to seven in the evening.
  2. Drink a lot of fluid per day, at least one and a half liters. Let it be green tea, clean drinking or mineral water. Forget about sodes and sweet painted drinks. In case of acute necessity, let yourself have coffee in the grains, but only unsweetened and without adding cream. Alcohol and fatty dairy products will wait for the end of your diet.
  3. Try not to abuse snacks between meals. With insurmountable hunger, fight with a degreased kefir or apple.
  4. After the week, to continue to eat according to this menu, it is strictly prohibited, since the vitamin C, which is generously divided by a citrus, will further apply to your body harm.
  5. Meat and fish offered in the menu must be low-fat varieties. Exclude on the days of the diet of the spices, as well as salt. Fish and pumping, stew or roast on the grill.

1st day:

  • breakfast: 1 grapefruit (alternative: Fresh juice from it without additives), a pair of beef slices, cooked without oil and salt, green tea;
  • lunch: 1 grapefruit, a little salad of untreated vegetables, as a refueling, use oil or lemon juice, green tea;
  • dinner: Any low-fat boiled meat, fresh vegetable salad, sprinkled with oil, green tea (if desired, add a spoon of honey).

2nd day:

  • breakfast: 1 grapefruit (alternative: Fresh juice from it without additives), a pair of chicken eggs Skump, green tea;
  • lunch: half grapefruit, portion of low fatty cottage cheese (can be replaced by a pair of slices - no more than 50 g - cheese);
  • dinner: 200 g of boiled or stewed fish, fresh vegetable salad, a piece of black bread.

3rd day:

  • breakfast: 1 grapefruit (alternative: Fresh juice from it without additives), a pair of mousley spoons with milk or kefir (can be diluted with a prayer of raisins or 2-3 crushed nuts);
  • lunch: 1 grapefruit, broth prepared on vegetables, several crackers;
  • dinner: 200 g of chicken meat, pair of tomatoes baked in the oven or grilled;
  • late in the evening - Paul grapefruit.

4th day:

  • breakfast: Chicken Egg Ski, Tomato Juice (or To Taste, replace a pair of tomatoes without processing);
  • lunch: 1 grapefruit, grated carrot salad, blurred lemon, a piece of black bread;
  • dinner: plate of stewed zucchini, cabbage or beets, green tea;
  • late evening - half grapefruit.

5th day:

  • breakfast: cutting from grapefruit and other fruits, tea (you can add lemon lick);
  • lunch: a couple of medium baked potatoes, a light salad of green vegetables;
  • dinner: 250 g of low-fat meat or fish, tomato juice;
  • late in the evening - 0.5 grapefruit.

You can extend the diet until the week. As a sample of food for the remaining days, take one of the days, detailed in the menu above.

The grapefruit diet will not be a blow to the health of your body. However, it is guaranteed to save you from several unnecessary kilograms in fairly short time. In addition, you will feel the ease of your body. And instead of fatigue and hunger, which is accompanied by many diet, you are waiting for cheerfulness and delight from the narrowing of the waist.

Comments leave a comment
Alyona 09/11/2018 at 8:06.

Excellent diet! Practicing her, + I am engaged in cardio training and take L-carnitine from SportExpert ... Thanks to such an integrated approach is already 10 kg ... Is it not a reason for pride?)


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