Vegetable diet for weight loss

Vegetable diet for weight loss

Diet, in the menu of which the main component of vegetables are relevant in summer and early autumn. In stock Fresh vegetables for every taste, choose your most beloved - and you are ready to start a diet. On such a diet, your body will not feel the lack of vitamins and minerals, but problems with digestion will be solved, and lightness in the stomach will appear. Depending on what effect you want to achieve, there are more gentle and more extreme options of a vegetable diet.

Shangling vegetable diet

This diet is designed for a long time, it does not give instant results. Adhere to such a diet is preferably several months or on an ongoing basis. It will not harm health, and weight will decline consistently without the risk of rapid return. The diet includes a complete refusal of sweet and flour, fried and smoked.

Approximate menu for the day:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal, vegetable salad.
  • Second breakfast: cottage cheese with vegetables.
  • Lunch: buckwheat, boiled fillet with vegetables.
  • Half date: Vegetable salad, fastened with vegetable oil.
  • Dinner: vegetable stew, fish.

The diet is built on the principles of proper nutrition, so it is necessary to invested in its individual daily caloric content. The inclusion of vegetables in each meal slows down the processes of fasteners in the body, helps to feel the satiety, and regular meals dispersed the metabolism. Add 1-2 fruit per day, better in the first half of the day.

Vegetable express diet

Express diets are aimed at rapid results for a short time. They cannot be called particularly useful due to a lack of diet of all necessary components. Weight after such a diet can quickly return to pre-gallerous food, but if the result is needed in a week, choose a vegetable monode.

Three-day tomato diet

This diet involves almost unlimited use of tomatoes (up to 1.5 kg), and the approximate menu looks like:

  • Breakfast: Large Ripe Tomato.
  • Second breakfast: 2 tomatoes and a piece of cheese.
  • Lunch: boiled breast without seasonings and tomato and cucumbers salad, refilled with oil spoon.
  • Soon: 2 pieces of cheese and tomato.
  • Dinner: Salad of tomatoes, greenery, cottage cheese.

On such a diet you lose 3 days to 3 kg.

Weekly cabbage diet

A cabbage diet will suit people with a healthy digestive system. Cabbage is not so easily digested due to the high content of fiber. Menu for the day:

  • Breakfast: cabbage salad and peas with vegetable oil, rice.
  • Second breakfast: fruit cottage cheese.
  • Lunch: Borsch, stewed cabbage.
  • Afternoon person: juice.
  • Dinner: Fish, baked with vegetables.

You can use any vegetables and fruits, eat fish, since your stomach in the diet period will be difficult to digest meat.

Classic vegetable diet

Eat about 1.5 kg of vegetables per day, try to eat something new things all the time. Minimally expose vegetables to thermal processing, eliminate the frying on the oil. In sufficient quantities, eat fruit, turn on the unfavorable dairy products, porridge in the morning. Such a diet can be kept from three days to a month.

How to start and finish a vegetable diet

In order for the effect of a diet for a long time, and the body has not received stress and not rebelled against you before the diet and follow the rules after it:

  1. Do not start the diet sharply, gradually reduce the calorie content of the diet and eliminate everything harmful.
  2. In no case do not use alcohol during a diet.
  3. After completion, refrain from the use of sweet and heavy food.

Lose weight on a vegetable diet can be quickly, without torment and with benefit for the body. Try to try one of these diets and make sure that it.

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