Most men do not give values \u200b\u200bto additional kilograms and beer tummy. However, this is happening until health problems appear. Then it is necessary to direct all the strength and sit on the diet. In addition, you need to hold out in such a rhythm until the weight goes, after which it is to secure the result. Diets for men differ significantly from women's options. First of all, a man on day is needed more than kilocalorius, and the metabolism in the body of representatives of the strong half of humanity occurs in a completely different way.
When there is. Breakfast, lunch and dinner for men are important equally. During meals, do not overeat, even if we are talking about low-calorie products. As for dinner, he must take place 3 hours before the departure to sleep and ideally be exclusively protein (eggs, milk products, buckwheat, rice, beef, chicken breast, etc.). If a man adds sports activities to a diet, then eat food better to organize a few hours before the intended workout.- Breakfast: drinking water, fruit (with the exception of grapes and bananas).
- Afternoon person: porridge, cooked on water (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat), 150-200 grams of cottage cheese, green tea.
- Lunch: boiled low-fat meat or fish, rice, vegetable salad, fruit, green tea.
- Dinner: Fresh vegetables or fruits, 1 cup of kefir.
Thus, the need for a man to reset overweight can be a reason to start a new way to eat for all family members. And joint hiking or cycling only help consolidate the result achieved.
If there is already a disease (impotence, for example), then it will not be much sense from the diet. Without drugs, it's still not to do. It is also obligatory for physiotherapy. Only this and returned men's strength .... PPP is good, but as prevention only.