Diet on buckwheat: menu

Diet on buckwheat: menu

Want to lose weight quickly for the holiday, but do not know how to do it? You can sit on a buckwheat diet, because weight loss options are very much on this kash. It all depends on the initial mass of the body and the rate of weight loss. In this article we will describe the menu on a buckwheat diet.

Express diet for a week

This weight loss method is very simple and requires minimal financial costs. You will need to eat daily only buckwheat and kefir. Dairy products Choose with minimal fat. Porridge need to boil not as usual. Oil and salt in the dish is not added.

How to cook porridge for a diet

It is necessary to take care of food in the evening. A glass of cereals rinse and beat. Pour the cereal with boiling water and cover the pan with a towel. Leave buckwheat overnight. In the morning you can enjoy breakfast. The number of porridge is not limited, but as practice shows, a lot of porridge without oil and salt is very difficult to eat. Try to drink kefir an hour after eating porridge. On a day you need 1 liter of kefir.

Diet on buckwheat: menu

It is impossible to lose weight on such a diet longer than 10 days. This is associated with poor nutrition and a small amount of vitamins. You should take the vitamin complexes during weight loss. After 2 weeks you can repeat the diet.

Diet on buckwheat: menu

Buckwheat-apple diet

This weight reduction option will suit girls who do not imagine their lives without fruit. For the day you need a glass of cereals and 1 kg of apples. Purchase a unlocked camp. Apples buy on the market with hands. Do not buy fruit in the supermarket, perhaps they are foreign. It is worth considering that buckwheat should not eat apples. It is better between the use of these products to take a break in 1 hour. Drink a day at least 2 liters of water.

Ginchen-rice diet

This is one of the variants of a carbohydrate diet. The food practically does not receive protein. There are several variants of this weight reduction method. You can alternate every day the use of buckwheat and rice porridge. That is, the first day you eat buckwheat, and you eat rice for the next day. But you can alternate cereals during the day. Please note the buckwheat can not be charged. The rice can be twisted with a spoon of olive oil and lemon juice.

Ginne-Pumpkin Diet

Autumn - time of vegetables and fruits. At the end of the autumn, many pumpkins are sold on the market. This melting culture is very useful and can help you get rid of excess weight.

During the day you need to eat such dishes:

  • breakfast consists of buckwheat porridge with pumpkin adding;
  • for lunch, eat pumpkin soup with carrots and onions;
  • for dinner, pamper the seed portion of buckwheat and baked pumpkin;
  • between meals you can eat an apple or drink a glass of kefir.

Please note the buckwheat should not boil. It must be poured in the thermos. It is impossible to add sugar to the pumpkin. You need to lose weight on such a diet 2 weeks. Weight loss is 5-7 kg.

Diet on buckwheat: menu

Lose weight on buckwheat is simple, but this is a monodette, after which weight is very quickly returning back. Therefore, leave the diet gradually. Each day, add a new product in the menu. For a while, forget about sweets and flour. Combine diet and sport. It can be swimming and dancing.

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