
Diet "5 tablespoons"

To lose weight, it is not necessary to abandon your favorite products. Eat what you want, most importantly, do it right. It has long been known that there is a strict restriction in food not only does not give a long result, but also not the best effect affects health and emotional state. "Five tablespoons" is rather not even a diet, but a technique, a power manner that is in the habit and helps without much effort forever say goodbye to overweight.

5 tablespoons are the amount of food that you must eat at one reception without any restrictions in products. The technique is based on a sequential decrease in the volume of the stomach. You will be saturated with small portions, while not limiting yourself or the body.

If your drinks do not contain sugar, their number may be unlimited. And it is desirable to exclude alcohol. Coffee is better to drink only in the morning, and tea is preferably not earlier than 15-20 minutes after eating.

No restrictions in products! Of course, it is desirable to eliminate sweet, flour, fatty, salty or sharp. But if you really want to make it not worth it. The main thing is to remember the portion.

On a day you should eat from 3 to 5 times. The first few days can be hard to be content with small portions and abide by the interval of 5-6 hours. Try in this case to add food to the diet that is long digested and has a high nutritional value (nuts, solid cheeses, meat).

And the most important thing! The volume of one portion should be no more and at least five tablespoons. For solid products it is 150-200 grams. Do not try to fool yourself, increasing the portion once so that in the future to skip meals, tune in to strictly compliance with the rules.

Follow these several simple recommendations, and soon your figure will be noticeably attractive, the mood is excellent, and the result achieved will remain for a long time.

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