Potato diet

Potato diet

One of the most accessible diets existing in our time is potato. It is extremely simple and can lead to good results without much effort and costs.

The essence of this type of diet is reduced to the fact that only potatoes are allowed to eat. It can be boiled, fried or baked potatoes, as well as puree. The only requirement is not to prepare products on the oil or add it to ready-made dishes. To improve taste, you can use some natural seasonings, but in no case for this can not be used milk, sour cream or other dairy products. It is recommended to cook and eat crude potatoes, as it is in the skin that the bulk of the useful fiber and other nutrients contain.

Short-term potato diet is calculated for 1-2 days. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to repeat it every week for two to three months. The onset of a positive result for such a short period is possible due to the fact that this vegetable itself contains very few calories, but at the same time it perfectly fills the stomach, eliminating a person from a feeling of hunger. During a diet, you need to eat no more than three times a day, and all the dishes must be prepared in compliance with certain requirements:

  1. during cooking, it is impossible to use oil, but the finished dish can be salted or focus with natural spices, herbs;
  2. if you are preparing mashed potatoes - it is recommended to add to it that the water on which potatoes cooked;
  3. herbal tea is perfectly combined with ready-made dishes.

Such food will allow you to quench the hunger for a long time, and the daily dose of the resulting calories will be much less than from one eaten chocolate candy.

In addition to the short-term, there is a potato diet, calculated for 9 days. Your daily diet should consist of 1 kilogram of boiled in a mundair of potatoes, consumed in food that follows 5-6 receptions. During cooking, it is impossible to use salt, but you can add green onions, parsley or cumin on the finished dish. For a period of diet, all fluids should be replaced by mineral water without gas or unsweequish green tea. To reduce the feeling of hunger and brighten a score menu a little, in the morning, it is allowed to eat 1 slice of black rye bread with a small amount of butter smeared on it. Lunch can be diversified due to fresh vegetables. Full dinner will have to completely exclude, replacing it with a glass of kefira or mineral water.

The most hard version of the potato diet will reset to 0.5 kilograms of excess weight per day, but, following him, you will have to completely forget about the feeling of satiety. For 5 days, your breakfast should consist only of a glass of skimmed milk, and lunch out of 250 grams of potato mashed potatoes, cooked on water without adding salt, oil or milk. The dinner is allowed to eat 250 gram portion of salad consisting of boiled potatoes and 1 chicken egg. Salad is allowed to add a couple of drops of apple vinegar and some vegetable oil. To avoid problems with the stomach, repeat such a diet is permitted no more than once a month.

Due to its availability and simplicity, the potato diet occupies one of the leading places. But remember that before starting to limit yourself in food, you must consult with a nutritionist. It will save you from the negative effects of the diet and will help improve the result.

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