Bonn Soup - Diet

Bonn Soup - Diet

Bonne soup is an excellent means for weight loss and a vitamin feeding in a cold time. On such a liquid diet you can reset the extra kilograms without hungering. In addition, the soup purifies the body and saturates it with vitamins, improves the operation of the digestive system and restores the water exchange.

The main ingredients of the Bonn soup are vegetables, which contain many fiber and vitamins, greens. Ingredients such as broccoli, tomatoes, bow contribute to the fact that food is not fastened, and the digestion is settled. Be sure to include celery recipe for the body cleaning and increasing the total tone. Belococcal cabbage has heard a powerful assistant in this difficult case called obesity, as it affects the exchange of fats and reduces swelling. In the Bulgarian pepper a lot of vitamin C, and it gives the dish refined taste.

So, for the preparation of Bonn soup, take the ingredients in such a quantity:

  • Green celery - 1 beam or 170 g;
  • Carrot - 170 g;
  • Onions - 6 pieces or 150 g;
  • Tomatoes - 5-6 pieces or 300 g;
  • White cabbage - 1 kochan or 0.5 kg;
  • Cauliflower - 300 g;
  • Bulgarian or red pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • Sauce - "Chile" or "Tabasco" - to taste;
  • Garlic - 20 g;
  • Soy sauce - 1 tsp;
  • Coriander - 1 tbsp.;
  • Tmin - 1 tbsp.;
  • Water - 1.5 liters;
  • Bay leaf - 1 sheet;
  • Olive oil - 100 g

Instructions for the preparation of the Bonn soup:

  1. Prepare vegetables and greens, they should be washed.
  2. Cut the ingredients. You can slices or rings, slices, as you are more convenient.
  3. It is allowed to rotate onions in a pan with garlic and spices, as well as with olive oil.
  4. Add to the onion spices.
  5. The rest of the vegetables are filled with water, put on the fire and wait until boils.
  6. Add bow, bay leaf and protubet on slow heat so that the vegetables have become soft.
  7. When the soup get ready, throw the greens - dill or parsley.
  8. If you wish in a dish, you can add a ginger finger to stew along with onions.
  9. Remember that it is not recommended to add salt.


In addition to the Bonn soup, for a diet it is allowed to eat additional products, a variety of diet menu in this way, which is very good from a psychological point of view:

  • First day: any fruit. The exception is bananas, watermelon and melon. You can drink tea, coffee without sugar and clean water.
  • Second day: Vegetables in any form - boiled, baked or raw. From the use of legumes it is worth refusing. It is better to give preference to green. For dinner you can bake one potato, adding vegetable oil.
  • Third day: Vegetables and fruits. Potatoes and bananas can not.
  • Fourth day: Vegetables and fruits. Bananas are allowed. You can drink milk, only low-fat, or kefir in the amount of 1 liter.
  • Fifth day: Tomatoes (up to 6 pieces) and meat - beef, chicken (half a kilogram). Can be replaced with low-fat fish.
  • Sixth day: Vegetables (green) and beef.
  • Seventh day: Unculpted rice, cooked with vegetables, as well as natural juices from fruit.

With a diet, it is strictly forbidden to eat bread, sugar, drink alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

Such a diet is rather sparing, unlike many strict monodis. Bonne soup is allowed to eat in any quantity, even when you experience the first attack of hunger. However, it is not suitable for children and old people, and also if a person has a gastrointestinal disease. Do not plan any important actions at the diet, since Bonne soup is distinguished by a pronounced diuretic effect due to celery and parsley and provokes meteorism.

Remember, if you have already dropped 8 kg on Bonn Supper, and nothing has passed anything for less than a week, it is worth interrupting the diet.

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