There are many diverse ways of weight loss - these are exercise, nutritional supplements, stimulating metabolism and, of course, diet. Compliance with the requirements of the Chinese diet will help you not only to clean the body, but for a long time to forget about extra kilograms.
The essence of the Chinese diet is reduced to the fact that using certain foods and drinks you can change the operation of the operation of exchange processes occurring in the body. In addition, slags and other harmful substances accumulated by internal organs will be removed, as well as their rejuvenation. But all this can not be achieved without a clear follow-up of the drawn menu. Even the minimum replacement of products, a simple increase in or a decrease in portion may entail a violation of metabolic processes and lead to a lack of a positive effect. In addition to the main rational requirements set out below, Chinese nutritionists are recommended to completely abandon alcohol, sugar and salts in any manifestations. You will have to drink a day to one liter of boiled or mineral water without gas. By their duration, the diet can be calculated for five days, two or three weeks. Five-day diet oriented on the little correction daily ration. Basic emphasis done on the then, what each product must consult v defined sequences, violate which categorically forbidden. Your daily breakfast must include v myself cup black tea, chunk black rye of bread and egg, cooked screw. On the dinner permitted eat not more fifty gram meat, cooked on the pair, portion salada from vegetables and several fresh fruit. If breakfast early, a dinner begins after 14 hours – v gap of this of time you can to eat canned green peas – not more 100 gram, degreased melted cheese and drink up cup green tea. Dinner have to limit glass warm milk, dropped per hour before togo, how you flash v bed.Now you know all the subtleties of the Chinese diet and you can start fighting over the weight right today.