Deta Diet

Deta Diet

Detox-diet is the perfect method of cleaning the body. With the help of a special diet, you get rid of extra pieces on the body, harmful slags, arrange a full rest to your digestive organs, including liver. However, it is necessary to approach this system with knowledge of the case. After all, in the period of compliance with the detox diet from the body, not only the remains of the decay products will be outlined, and even useful components.

How to prepare for cleansing detox diet?

It is necessary to prepare to be prepared for the correct diet, or rather - one month before the start of cleaning. Perform a number of events described below, otherwise the diet will be ineffective:

  • Refuse high-calorie fatty products (porks, lambs, salmon, mackerel, sala, margarine, fatty dairy products, etc.).
  • Do not eat fried dishes, salted canned food.
  • Do not eat sweets of any kind.
  • In no case do not drink hot drinks, coffee.
  • It is not recommended to eat large portions, it is better to eat more often.
  • Do not dine no later than 20-00.
  • 10 days before the start of the diet stop eating meat, eat only vegetable products (fruits, vegetables, porridge). Meat let yourself eat only once every day.

Types of detox diet

Detox can last from 3 to 10 days. More than ten days, cleaning is not recommended. You can apply serious harm to health.

Detox diets are divided into four main types:

  • fasting is when thinning drink only water, but nutritional doctors do not recommend carrying out such cleaning, it represents a large stress for the body;
  • diet on vegetable decoctions - you can drink only 175 grams three times a day Vegetable drinks with spices (ginger, turmeric, cinnamon), water is still allowed, not sweet tea - in any volumes;
  • diet on smoothie - Drink three times a day 175 grams of thick smoothie fruit, vegetables, just choose not acidic ingredients for drinks so as not to disrupt the acidity in the stomach;
  • vegetable diet - Eat the foods prepared from vegetables after heat treatment, break your diet of the day into three parts, one portion should not exceed 225 grams;
  • vegetarian Detox - Over the course of three or ten days there are dishes from plant products and no meat, such a system is the most sparing for your stomach there are no contraindications.

Contraindications for detox diets

Not everyone is allowed to conduct a detox program for cleaning the body of the first four species listed in the previous paragraph. Before proceeding with a cleansing diet, pay attention to contraindications.

  • Pregnant, nursing mothers.
  • Patient diabetes.
  • Patients with heart pathologies and gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Adolescents to adulthood.
  • Loud people.
  • Persons receiving drugs.

Exemplary menu for detox diet on vegetable food

So that cleaning and weight loss is effective, follow the following diet:

  • In the morning: Drink 225 grams of warm water with lemon juice, eat an apple.
  • For breakfast: fragrant tea with chamomile or mint, vegetable salad, a slice of gray bread.
  • For lunch: Malossal soup puree with vegetables, buckwheat with vegetable stew, cooked in a double boiler.
  • At 17-00: a puree of fruits, cooked for a couple, you can add some almond nuts.
  • Dinner: Smoothie from vegetables.

In this power scheme, you can make changes, the main thing is that the principle is understood.

Tips, recommendations

To speed up the cleaning process, weight loss, along with the observance of the diet follows:

  • drink an incomplete glass of tea with prunes before sleeping;
  • arrange the hiking, so that the organism is saturated with oxygen;
  • clean the cleaning is preferably in non-working days, and best on vacation;
  • stresses negatively affect the process and operation of the gastrointestinal tract, so try not to be nervous during the diet;
  • drink water, per day should be drinking at least 1.8 liters of fluid;
  • drink fruit not during meals, and 30 minutes before it starts to avoid fermentation.

It is important to know that the way out of the detox diet should not be sharp. This is required in order that the body is used to conventional nutrition gradually.

Comments leave a comment
Emma 11/09/2021 at 17:39

Optionally, sit on diets. If you want to carry out detoxification, sometimes just enough spirulina ... ..I do so regularly and is very happy with the result. Even the immune system become stronger. Spirulina always take from Evalar a dosage of 1000 mg. It has established itself well and, moreover, at an altitude of quality (the online store fitomarket buy). As you can see, all the best easy, even without restrictions.

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Rimma 14.09.2021 at 17:25

Personally, I can not do any diets stick ... .nu not my brand. If you want to cleanse the body from any bad things, I try to drink more water, and of course take fitomutsil standards. Agent based on psyllium shell. Gently softens the stool and removes it gently and without pain. And the toxins go, too.

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