Kremlin diet

Kremlin diet

One of the leading positions on performance occupies Kremlin diet. During the week nutrition on this system, you can get rid of 5 extra kilograms. And if you use the "Kremlin" for a month, it will turn apart with 15 kg. Adhere to such a diet is not difficult if you know the basic rules:

Refusal of carbohydrates. It is proved if the body ceases to receive carbohydrates (especially simple), it begins to spend fat reserves. Thanks to this, it is quickly overweight.

The first 2 weeks diet diet should be especially controlled. When you get used to such a nutrition and the weight will return to normal, you can afford to yourself and honey, and your favorite berries and even a cake on the holiday. In the meantime, you will have to refuse:

  • sugar (and sugar-containing products);
  • dads, any flour products;
  • potatoes;
  • rice;
  • vegetables;
  • fruit (sweet - there are many carbohydrates in them);
  • juices of all kinds except tomato.

At first, it is allowed only meat, eggs, fish, some vegetables with low carbohydrates. Portions must be small, try to watch the daytime diet exceeding 1800 calories. The last meal is recommended to be arranged no later than 3-4 hours before sleep.

If you are on the Kremlin diet for a long time, you can sometimes eat cereals and potatoes, but never combine them with meat and fish dishes. Better apply vegetables to fish and meat. More often checked with the table of so-called points or "cost" (by carbohydrate content), in it 1 point \u003d 1 gram of carbohydrates. Using carbohydrates up to 40 points guarantees weight reduction, 40-60 points - weight will stand still, over 60 points - weight set.

Sausages and any other sausages are not theoretically contraindicated. But in practice, the composition of such products includes only 30% of meat at best, everything else salt, sugar, spices, starch and soy supplements. And these products during the Kremlin diet are prohibited.

Alcohol. A glass of dry wine or a glass of vodka in the "Kremlin" points - sufficiently light drinks. But do not forget about a snack: and vodka requires a lot of food, sometimes even incites appetite.

The start of diet for many is combined with the problem of digestion. There are frequent complaints about constipation. Diet compilers are recommended to refrain from laxatives. It is better to increase the volume of the day of water to 2 liters. Be sure to start the day from the glass of warm water, it stimulates the intestinal peristalsis, and the problem will be solved.

Many who used the Kremlin diet claim that it is not just a convenient way of weight loss, but also an excellent opportunity to put health. Thus, the normalization of blood sugar levels are often noted, the symptoms of ulcerative disease disappear (there is no discomfort and pain in the stomach). The creators of the diet are confident that the case is in the right natural method for humans. The only problem of losing weight remains sagging leather as a result of rapid weight loss. To bring skin into tone, engage in sports: perfectly helps swimming, gymnastics. Massage and auxiliary creams will also come across the way.

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