How to lose weight

How to lose weight

It is no secret that many people are not satisfied with their figure and a complete set. This is especially true for women of all ages. The peak of the desire to reset a few kilograms and centimeters falls on the beginning of the beach season, before the New Year's corporate parties and other holidays. But it is necessary to lose weight correctly so that later the beauty did not get the price of health.

The first, where to start the right weight loss is to decide whether you need to reduce your weight and volumes in principle. Take a look at yourself objectively, take a picture from all sides. It happens that the mass of the body is normal and enough just pull up, it will help sports. If there is a lot of extra kilograms and there are signs of obesity, then the rightmost solution is to consult a doctor.

If, after picky self-impact, you still decide that there is extra weight, clearly define for yourself the number of hated kilograms. You must have a clear goal, faithful motivation and solid determination. It is not a secret for anyone that fast weight loss harms the body, therefore, calculate the time frame, based on the optimal indicators - 3-5 kg \u200b\u200bper month.

We are what we eat. It is impossible to lose weight without saving the power system. No need to sit on a diet, all the more you can not starve. It is enough to simply exclude fried and smoked food, semi-finished products, sweet, flour and very saline products. Enter more vegetables and fruits into the diet. Drink more pure no carbonated water. Typing more often (about 5 times a day), but at the same time in small portions (200-300 g).

Physical activity is an integral part of the weight loss process. But here it is necessary to take into account many factors: their capabilities, sports training and preferences. Do not eat before exercises, must go through at least an hour. After training, it is also not necessary to abuse, unless you can eat a small amount of protein food to fill the lost balance. For example, boiled chicken fillet, a fish cooked for a pair, degreased cottage cheese, egg whites, etc.

Fifteen-minute gymnastics in the morning gives a great charge of cheerfulness for the whole day and helps to wake up the body and head. But the present result is given only the loads that last for more than 30 minutes. It is for this reason that the classes should bring pleasure. Fortunately, the choice is very large here: yoga, dancing, running, aerobics, swimming, football or just long-term walks in the fresh air.

Do not allow errors. There are methods of practically instant weight loss, but, unfortunately, many of them may have deplorable results. Do not take unknown biological additives aimed at weight loss. Solving the BAA is not a medicine, the control over its quality, composition and production method is very low. As a rule, they have a diuretic or laxative effect.

Do not starve. With a long-term low-calorie diet there is a huge load on the body, especially on the digestive system. One week is enough to earn serious problems with the stomach. You should not resort to "grandmother's recipes" and squeeze from slags with the help of enema or other not very humane means. The human body has the functions of self-regulation and self-cleaning, and various interventions of this kind can only harm.

Avoid protein diets (they relate to the Kremlin, Atkins diet, etc.). This method of nutrition gives a colossal load on the liver and kidney, and also increases cholesterol levels, which later can lead to a heart attack and stroke. Moreover, for the normal functioning of life, we need and carbohydrates, and even fats.

Before starting the fight against overweight, weigh all points and appreciate your capabilities. You will have to change not only the daily menu, but also the lifestyle in general. The results will not be very fast, but it will definitely be stable and improved well-being. Seeing the first achievements, do not hurry to encourage yourself with a cake or pizza - better buy a new smart thing smaller thing.

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