How to lose weight by 3 kg

How to lose weight by 3 kg

Slimming is the problem of not only many women, it is also concerned about some men. The reason for this is the desire to look more attractive or worsening health against the background of excess weight. The modern world offers many means and ways for weight loss, such as tea, tablets, various diets, starvation and the cardinal method of liposuction. But they are all connected with a certain risk. In addition to them, there is a more loyal and sparing method, which is described below.

To lose weight in the shortest possible time for a few kilograms without harm to health, pay attention to the mode and diet, reduce the size of the portions, do in physical exercises. Diet:

  • start the morning from a glass of warm water, you can add a few lemon drops to stimulate digestion;
  • divide the daily diet for 3-4 meals;
  • after half an hour, breed, do not drink a large amount of liquid, because It can slow down the food digestion process;
  • in the intervals between meals do not snack;
  • lunch is best assigned after 4 hours;
  • dinner - up to 18-00, since after this time, taking into account the biorhythms of the body, the production of enzymes slows down significantly, the food is poorly digested;
  • if hunger before bed does not allow to fall asleep, then drink a glass of kefir.

Drinking water


  • eat only "Healthy" Food;
  • do not drink alcohol, carbonated drinks, not fresh food, fast food, products with GMOs, various taste additives (chips, nuts);
  • maintain your body with vitamins contained in fruits, vegetables, berries;
  • make focus on various porridge, vegetable stew;
  • prefer the baked and boiled to a couple of dishes instead of fried;
  • reduce salt content in dishes, then excessive fluid will not accumulate in the body.

Separate meals will help reduce the load on the digestive system: for digesting proteins, carbohydrates and fats, different enzymes are required, so it is better to use them at different times.

Coming out due to the table, raise your hands up and extinguish well, making a deep breath and slightly arbuming your back, or wait at the wall of 1 minute, clinging to her back, - it stimulates the abdominal muscles to keep the stomach. Other exercise do not earlier than an hour and a half after meals to avoid excessive load on the gastrointestinal tract. Good exercises for pumping the press, evening jog, fitness.

If there are scales, then control your weight in the evening before bedtime and in the morning before taking food, not putting on extra clothes. If you fulfill the proposed recommendations, then during the night the body will lose weight on average for 400 in this way, you can lose weight by 3 kg per week.

It is difficult to happen in the first three days, then the body adapts to changes, and fulfill the proposed recommendations becomes pleasure. The main thing is not to rush in extremes, but find the golden middle.

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Nina 04/10/2018 at 15:25

I can advise you to increase the sport load .. it really works, yes, it is hard, but thinning perfectly. In the extreme case, you can always throw in energy))) Now there are a lot of natural and safe - myself, for example, most often I accept the sport expert Energy or caffeine-helps with a bang)

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