What to replace the berries

What to replace the berries

Every day, the Berry of Goji becomes more popular. And this is not enough. Many girls who wish to lose weight introduced these berries in their diet and appreciated them. The benefits of berries are obvious: they improve the metabolism, increase the tone, stimulate the purification of the liver from fat plaques.

The main competitor of the berries of Goji in the number of useful trace elements that contribute to weight loss, and antioxidants are the fruits of the tropical palm tree of ASAI. They look like dark purple grapes. The wellness effect of them in many respects even exceeds the berries of Goji, but here, judging by the price available, they will not call them anywhere: they are sold only in capsules, the price for 30 capsules can even exceed 30 dollars.

For weight loss Instead of berries, Goji, you can use fresh currant berries, strawberries, blueberries, cranberries, lingers and gooseberries. If dinner, eat a portion of such berries, sides and thighs quickly spread up with fat layers. In the season, it is important to use as much as possible in the food of these rich vitamins of berries. It is a pity that they are not froning with us all year round. But in this case there is always the opportunity to purchase Goji berries.

Low-calorie fruits that are partially able to have an antioxidant effect and normalize metabolism for weight loss, all year is available. These include apples, pineapples, kiwi, oranges, cherry, cherry and plum.

Also contribute to getting rid of extra kilograms dried pears, cherry, apples, figs and kuraga. They are easily accessible in terms of availability and prices, but 100% will not be able to influence the body as the Goji berries do.

The dieting girl's diet must include vegetables in raw form. A lightweight vegetable salad, refilled by olive oil, will be a good berry substitute.

Selecting the products for weight loss without a berry of Goji, it is worth paying special attention to iodine-containing seafood, since they have a positive effect on the thyroid gland, and the hormones produced by the thyroid house with a failure of the system cause fullness. This category includes marine cabbage, squid, mussels and fish.

It is great that the berries of Godji can be found to be replaced from products that are presented on stores on store shelves. But only imagine what effect can be achieved if you use the above-mentioned products, and berries. The body of such a tandem will clearly benefit.

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Tanya 04/10/2018 at 7:47.

I replaced guarana tinctures, too, perfectly help to lose weight ... And from recently, I'm still taking a sport expert Energy (there, too, guarana), it is great, so I can recommend exactly)


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