Slimming chewing

Slimming chewing

Chewing gum today is not only pleasure or balletness, it helps to refresh their breath, prevent caries, make teeth more white, reduce nicotine addiction and even get rid of excess weight.

What is it done

In 1928, American accountant and inventor Walter Dimer brought the best formula for the preparation of the chewing, which is used by manufacturers and at present.

Today's chewing consists of the following ingredients:

  • chewing base is mainly synthetic polymers;
  • taste additives - sweeteners, shock absorbers, nutritional supplements;
  • preservatives, dyes.

Some manufacturers seek to increase the health of chewing gum for the body, they are added to its composition:

  • vitamins;
  • calcium, phosphates, fluorides;
  • useful enzymes;
  • extracts of medicinal plants;
  • bleach.

How to lose weight with chewing gum

Numerous studies have shown the efficiency of rhums when weight loss. For example, research of the universities of Roth Island and Louisiana confirmed weight loss in people who use a chewing. They eaten less food during meals and did not compensate for calories with snacks during the day.

To reduce weight with chewing gum, follow the following recommendations.

  • Use a gum, if you want to have a snack between the main meals.
  • After the planned meal, use the gum for 5 minutes. This will abandon the dessert and will eventually become a signal for the body - the food is over.
  • Chewing gum will help prevent meaningless absorption of food while watching a film or at a party.
  • Always wear a gum in your purse or portfolio to confront high-calorie temptations with it.
  • Use chewing gum during cooking, if you can not cope with the temptation to try it.

Special gum for weight loss

In addition to ordinary chewing gum, there are special gums for weight loss. As additional components, extracts are used in them that contribute to burning fat and improved digestion. These are such ingredients as:

  • garcinia Cambodian;
  • green coffee;
  • hediya Gordonia;
  • african mango;
  • goji berries;
  • L-carnitine;
  • aSai berries;
  • chromium Picolinat.

How not to overdo it with the use of chewing

Despite the fact that chewing gum helps to consume less calories and avoid snacks, do not overdo it with this product.

When using cheese, you need to follow the following rules.

  • Do not use the chewing gastric stomach - produced by chewing gastric juice contributes to the development of stomach or gastritis ulcers.
  • Gum used to reduce weight, this is usually products without sugar content. In such rubber bands, the sweetener is sorbitol, which is severely absorbed in the small intestine and becomes the cause of intestinal disorders. A large number of sorbitol in the gastrointestinal tract can lead to chronic diarrhea, pains and excessive weight loss.
  • The optimal amount of chewing gum per day - 4 pieces.
  • The chewing facilitates the ingestion of air, which accumulates in the stomach and intestines and leads to the bloating of the abdomen. Dietcond specialists recommend alternating the use of elastic bands with low-calorie caramels.

Numerous studies and experience of ordinary people showed the effectiveness of chewing gum for weight loss. But only with a gum you will not achieve big results, simultaneously with its use, it is recommended to stick to balanced nutrition and play sports.

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