How to eat bran for weight loss

How to eat bran for weight loss

Bran is waste when processing grain, initially they were used only as animal feed. But recently they have become an indispensable additive to a healthy menu. One of the reasons for overweight is irrational nutrition, a large number of light-proof products in the diet. Namely bran help to establish the right digestion, clean the intestines and, therefore, get rid of extra kilograms.

The main use of bran for the body is associated with the presence of rude fiber in them. The fiber is a natural adsorbent, it binds and derives from the intestines of decay products, toxins and slags. Also, bran contain a number of vitamins and trace elements, they normalize metabolism, support immunity, derived cholesterol. Fooling in the stomach, bran dulk the feeling of hunger and prevent overeating.

Now bran on sale a wide variety, all cereal brans benefit. The most effective for recovery and weight loss are three kinds - oatmeal, wheat and rye. The most common oat bran, they are included in diet and unloading days. Oat bran have a property to swell hard in the stomach, creating a feeling of satiety. They normalize the work of the gallbladder, liver, regulate cholesterol levels. Wheat bran are also indispensable in the diet, they are prevention of dysbacteriosis, recommend mixing wheat and oat bran. Rye - struggle with diabetes, regulate the level of sugar, help with avitaminos, lack of iron, reduce weight and activate digestion.

How best to drink bran to lose weight depends on the effect you want to achieve. In order not to eat a lot of dinner or dinner, you can take a tablespoon of bran before each meal intake. Divide them with a small amount of water, let them swell a little and eat for a while before meals, be sure to drink with plenty of water. In addition to water, bran can be pouring milk, yogurt, kefir. Already swollen bran add to cottage cheese, porridge, salad, soup. Bran do not have a pleasant taste, but in combination with other products they diversify the diet. And together with pieces of fruits, nuts or dried fruits, poured with yogurt with sugar, bran will become similar to dessert.

For rapid slimming, weld the bran decoction - liter of water and a glass of bran boil about 15 minutes. Plate Pete on the floor of a glass 3 times a day, before meal, it stimulates burning fat and intestinal cleansing. Also, to combat overweight, it is recommended to replace one of the meals with kefir or cottage cheese with bran. Starting to lose weight with bran, do not limit yourself in the liquid. So that they are well shifted by the body, drink up to 2-3 liters of fluid per day. The initial, safe dose of bran on the day - 30 grams, gradually you can eat more, but do not forget to listen to your body. Contraindicated by the use of bran in exacerbation of diseases such as gastritis, ulcer, enteritis. Also it is impossible to eat bran people with the intolerance to the protein - gluten.

Bran - an effective product for weight loss, recovery and purification of the body. Even if you do not suffer over weight, it is recommended to arrange unloading days on bran and kefir. The use of natural bran can be a good alternative to medical preparations and will bring one favor.

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