Diet on Duucan for weight loss

Diet on Duucan for weight loss

Monsieur Duan became famous for the whole world thanks to the unique dietary diet, which was named Duucan diet. But it will not be so faithful to call it a diet, for how you do not have to sit on a hunger strike and limited to several products in your menu. Most likely, its, so-called diet, can be safely called the correct diet. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Diutan dietary dietary consists of 4 cycles, each of which is a logical continuation of the previous one. The essence of the diet is that the thinning smoothly looks at the rhythm of his life and on the principle of nutrition, which will subsequently become the norm.

It is important that observing all the recommendations of Monsieur Dukhana, each of you will be able not only to independently adjust your figure, but also significantly improve the condition of the skin.

The first stage of dukan diet

The first stage of the diet is considered the most important. After all, it is now that a sharp blow to the subcutaneous fat will be applied to the body. In the diet, products should be included, which consists of a large number of proteins. In the process, thinning can experience some unpleasant sensations. In particular, dry mouth, light weakness and dizziness. Do not worry! It just points out what you do everything right, and the fat subcutaneous layer is experiencing strikes.

The duration of the first stage of dukan diet depends entirely on the ultimate target.

  • Overweight up to 20 kg - 3-5 days.
  • Overweight up to 30 kg - 5-7 days.
  • Excess weight above 30 kg - 5-10 kg.

Important! In any case, the duration of the first stage in no case should exceed 10 days.

In the diete diet, the following products should include the following products:

  • Seafood.
  • Non-fat ham.
  • Degreased dairy products.
  • Eggs.
  • A fish.
  • Oat bran.
  • Konified, veal, beef.
  • Sirloin chicken and turkey.
  • Kidney, liver, tongue (veal).
  • Garlic and onions.
  • Water to 1.5 liter.

All of the above foods can be combined with each other in the most appropriate option for you.

It is strictly forbidden to include in your diet goose, pork, duck meat and sugar.

Adhering recommendations Duke slimming fails in the first step to lose excess weight 7 kg.

The second phase of the diet Ducane

Ducane second diet phase envisages increasing physical activity. However, slimming diet increases. Now you can treat yourself to breakfast taste of black coffee and bran bread, prepare your own eggs.

For the dining table is ideal for vegetable or chicken soup.

Fragrant pancakes with a glass of kefir diversify your diet for an afternoon snack, and oven-baked fish for dinner will allow you to forget partially about all the unpleasant moments of the day departed. And, yes. A cup of tea is now no longer a luxury for you. But it must be without sugar.

The third phase of the diet Ducane

The third phase of the diet Dyukanu is called binding. That is, now we need to consolidate all the results obtained by you. It is believed that at this stage of weight loss, many lose their enthusiasm and willpower. Why should still adhere to the recommendations of Monsieur Duke in the mirror if you already see a perfect figure? But the author of the diet is inexorable. He insists that to consolidate the results break the diet at this stage, you should not, for all your works will be nullified, and the overweight, about which you have managed to escape, unnoticed effect on your figure.

Delighted losing weight is possible unless more extensive diet which already consists of pasta, bread, fruit, honey, rice and even wine. But in limited quantities. And the most important rule - the third stage 1 time per week losing weight must comply with protein diet.

The final stage diet Ducane - stabilization phase

stabilization phase for losing weight will last a lifetime! That's what says Monsieur Duc. There is already no strict limits. Slimming the body is already accustomed to eat properly, and therefore such a thing as "temptation", for them already a stranger. Now the main thing - listen to your body, which alone will tell you what he needs and what is not. In this case, no harm will be to control it a bit.

To do this, the doctor recommends that all Ducane losing weight on his diet to follow two simple rules:

  • Active lifestyle.
  • Once a week to comply with the protein diet.

Nice moment! Losing weight allowed 2 holiday meal a week. In that may be included any food. Above all, they should be eaten for 1 time. That is, no additives!

Diet for Dyukanu - this is the right diet and an active lifestyle. As you can see, nothing complicated, and everyone can easily adhere to its recommendations. And then you can safely say that "in a healthy body - healthy spirit"

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