Diet 5: 2

Diet 5: 2

5: 2 diet says "no" strict menu, starvation, monotony in food, tasteless degreased products. 5 days a week you eat your favorite food and only 2 days limit yourself in food. Incredible, but such a simple scheme really leads to weight loss. And you see that withstanding only 2 days of restrictions per week is much easier than to extend yourself to everyday refusal from your favorite dishes. What is the secret of this amazing diet? About this, as well as about important nuances of diet 5: 2, we will tell in detail in this article.

Diet 5: 2 was developed by the British journalist and the doctor Michael Mosley. Having tried the loss of the menu, which promised weight loss, but by their poverty only did the life of the Englishman, Mosley, came to the conclusion that diet did not work. Some of them were very harmful to the body, others were so strict that it was impossible not to break. The Briton did not have anything else, how to invent his way of weight loss. According to Mosley, the catering regime for 6 weeks helped him get rid of 6 kilograms.

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Another previously published research of aging problems. The university scientists have concluded that a person who adheres to a limited nutrition twice a week is less susceptible to blood sugar drops, Alzheimer's diseases and Parkinson, more resistant to cardiovascular diseases. Such a person even agrees more slowly. And, most notable, it usually does not suffer from excess weight. Thus, diet 5: 2 not only contributes to weight loss, but also helps a person to improve the body and protect it from diseases.

The essence of the diet is simple. 5 days you eat everything you wish. Twice a week you are arranging unloading days. This does not mean that in days when everything is permitted, you must exceed the number of calories you need. Just these days are flashing on the usual menu. Of course, the greater effect will be achieved if your whole food is healthy and balanced. However, diet 5: 2 does not exclude chocolate, sdob, oily meat, fast food, and even alcohol from your diet. Observe only the daily calorie rate and do not overeat.

Unloading days should not follow in a row. Choose two days a week for them, and let them be between them for several days of your usual power. According to research, Monday and Thursday are complex for restrictions in food. Therefore, it will be better if you define a strict mode on other days of the week. On such days, the number of calories per day should not exceed the mark in 500. Mosley offers you to choose dietary products yourself and create a menu from them. The best option is dishes with elevated protein and slow carbohydrates. Be sure to place vegetable salads on the table, refilled by oil. Sweet and flour on unloading days are contraindicated even in minimal quantities. Sweet carbonated drinks, juices with sugar, coffee are also prohibited.

Additional effect will bring exercise. It's enough to get any loads every day to strengthen the action of the diet 5: 2. Be careful with training in unloading days. Getting less calories, the body is weakened, so sports exercises are better transferred for days when you eat enough. You can also calculate the workload plan for the week, based on the "three-day equation" of consumption and flow of calories. After exercises take 48 hours, and only then the body begins to restore the muscles. Plan discharge days on the third day after sports, or repeat the training session on this day to secure the result.

Diet 5: 2 is a real breakthrough in the system of weight loss. After all, you lose kilograms, limiting yourself for only 2 days a week.

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