Banana diet

Banana diet

Banana - Beloved Fruit of most girls. That is why the English athlete Jane Griffin created a diet, in which a banana is included in the main diet.

There are two slimming methods using this exotic fruit:

  • monodirection;
  • mixed diet.

If it is decided to lose weight solely with the help of bananas, it is necessary to remember that it contains very little protein, so the maximum duration of weight loss is 5 days. By purchasing this fruit, it is recommended to choose thin-skinned and ripe fruits. Long bananas with thick skin contain a lot of starch, causing bloating. In addition, starch can provoke fermentation in the intestine.

Banana diet

For one day, the monodi can be eaten 1.5 kg of bananas without skins. It is recommended to use a lot of mineral water without gas and green tea. It is best to eat small portions. The day should turn out 6-7 meals. A couple of hours before sleep is impossible. Duration diet 3-5 days.

Banana diet

A mixed diet is more sparing, as it implies the use of fermented milk products. Thus, it will be possible to replenish the protein deficit in the body. For a day, you can eat 5 bananas and liter of low-fat milk (1%). If the milk causes a bloody, it can be replaced with kefir or yogurt. These products should also contain a minimum of fat. Yogurt is better to use homemade cooking without fruit fillers and sugars. Duration of weight loss - 7 days. During this time, you can lose 4 kg.

Banana diet

Contraindications for a banana diet:

  • diabetes;
  • dyspepsia;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • atopic dermatitis.

Banana diet

You can lose weight with the help of bananas not only to girls, but a strong half of humanity. Indications for using a banana diet:

  • gastritis;
  • ulcer;
  • obesity;
  • low blood sugar concentration;
  • disorders of the liver and kidney.

Do not increase the duration of weight loss. This can lead to a decrease in muscle mass. Low protein content in bananas can provoke nail fragility and hair loss. It is worth a preference to mixed weight loss, this will allow to lose an exclusively fat mass.

Banana diet

The monodection can cause diarrhea. It is quite normal, as there are many magnesium and potassium in bananas. It is they who possess diuretic and laxative properties. This exotic fruit contributes to the purification of the body. After the diet, it is possible to get rid of many problems with the gastrointestinal tract, because all undigested food and deposits on the intestinal walls are derived from the body. People who often have diarrhea, do not lose weight in this way.

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