Diet after childbirth

Diet after childbirth

During pregnancy, many women are gaining a lot of extra kilograms. Therefore, after the birth of a child, it is necessary to bring your body into the form. It sometimes happens not easy.

Lose weight after childbirth is especially difficult for mothers who feed the baby breast. It is impossible to sit on a very rigid diet, since the calorie deficit can provoke a decrease in lactation. Therefore, you need to choose sparing diets, including separate nutrition or weight loss using the Malyshev's technique.

How can not lose weight nursing mothers? It is worth avoiding the monodi when it is necessary to have some one product. Family fasting does not fit. The perfect option is a balanced low-calorie nutrition. It is worth excluded from the diet flour dishes, sweet and fat. Confectionery contribute to fermentation in the intestine at the kid, because of which he will have colic.

Diet after childbirth

It is necessary to include fruits and vegetables in the diet. Unfortunately, women during lactation can not have so many of these products. Fruits you can eat:

  • green apples;
  • bananas;
  • plums.

Be sure to abandon the use of citrus and exotic fruits. They provoke skin rashes in infants.

Diet after childbirth

For breakfast, you can eat cottage cheese with sour cream and drink a cup of green tea. If you really want to eat, you should not limit yourself, you can drink a cup of kefir. From the sweet is allowed to use Cookies Maria or Sugari. To lose weight, the daily rate of such sweets should not exceed 100 g. You can prepare apples baked in the oven with cottage cheese. Apples contain a lot of iron, and cottage cheese satums with calcium organism.

Diet after childbirth

For lunch you can cook soup on chicken broth. Allowed to eat all vegetable and cereal soups. Hunger perfectly quenching chicken breast. It is low-calorie and reduces body weight. So that the meat does not seem dry, it can be baked with vegetables and sour cream. It is worth remembering that there is no mushrooms with nursing mothers, so it's not worth adding to meat when driving meat. You can eat cereal, but they should be gluten. It is best to give preference to buckwheat and millet cruel.

Because of the large restrictions, it will not work to lose weight on some salads. After all, there are no tomatoes, radishes. Cabbage, cucumbers, greens, lettuce leaves - allowed products. They can be filled with olive oil or sour cream.

Diet after childbirth

After the birth of the child, I want to look good. In the first months of the child's life, most mothers manage to lose weight without hard diets and starvations. This contributes to constant concern for kid and homework. Walking with a crumb in the park, you do not need to sit on the shop. Slimming promotes rapid walking.

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