Green diet

Green diet

Despite on then, what green diet was designed v distant America, thanks to his high efficiency, today she wide known in all world. Her ration quite original and includes v myself exclusively low-calorie fruits and vegetables green colors, flesh which rich fiber and other nutrient substances, so necessary found organism. W. many maybe arise question: “How same bad products other colors?”. Everything simply: on assimilation and processing green vegetables and fruits organism cost where more energy, rather than receive.

  If you decided stick to green diet, then on this period to you have to fully exclude from own ration next products: sugar v any manifestations, fatty meat (especially pork), buckle and rice, creamy butter and corn.. Instead of them recommended increase daily portion spinach, green apple, cucumbers, petrushki, cabbage any varieties, stolkov beans, luke, kiwi, growth, ukrop, celery and green pepper. Make this is necessary on length 35 days. But not follow use v food whatthen one, vice versa necessary daily combine diverse vegetables and fruitsincluded in menu your his breakfast, lunch and dinner. Green products recommended eat raw, but also can their boil or cook on pair. For maintaining necessary quantity belkov allowed one once v twothree day eat 200300 gram boiled chicken or fishes, replace which can two chicken eggs, welded screw.

  except use food only green colors, one from fundamental principles diet is an and temporary limitationeat necessary across 2 hours. it razbat you from the senses starving and substantially reduce the size miscellaneous portions. Better total snack apples, grapes or kiwi. except togo, to you have to daily drink from 2 lithrov fluid, a salads. from fresh vegetables necessarily fill olive oil. As a result these requirements, w. Green diet there is contraindications. She not recommended:

  1. pregnant women, as well as women during breastfeeding;
  2. people with individual intolerance of large doses of fiber;
  3. people with chronic diseases and intestinal diseases.

But even if you do not belong to any of these categories before "sit down" on a green diet - consult your doctor in order to eliminate the possibility of causing harm to your body.

Of course, the green diet will not give you the opportunity to get rid of 1 kilogram of excess weight daily, and throw 5 kilos per week, too, it is unlikely to work out, but adhering to her requirements, you can rejuvenate your skin, tighten the figure and improve the condition of your body. A couple of extra kilograms from which you get rid of the month will become a pleasant addition to a general improvement in well-being.

At the end, I would like to note that a green diet has only one negative effect - laxative to neutralize it, eat a decoction of chamomile flowers daily - and you will inevitably achieve the desired result.

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